Irasshaimase (welcome) to Japan lovely readers. As you know the blog was founded on travel and my, how I’ve missed making a toss of myself in foreign lands! So why Japan? A mission to explore a culture renowned for its respectful nature, where each task is executed with pride, where the food is intricately presented, the service immaculate…and technology abounds. Ok enough about waxing lyrical, let’s explore yeah? Starting with Shinjuku, Tokyo.

Quick brekky of omelette stuffed with rice and doorstop bread with soft fried egg (consumed with chopsticks – reputation intact) in a local before navigating through narrow, tangled telephone line canopied streets into an electronics store. In search of a baby robot. Seven hours, 42 escalators, 3 department stores, 3 Starbucks frappes (for the wifi) – didn’t find the robot. Did find an Oyster bar with happy hour!

Why not said we! An assortment, from Ireland, Washington, Japan and NZ please; washed down with a tidy little rose which led to a slightly frenzied food and bar fest in a maze of over 100 teensy wee bars in the Golden Gai (“Golden District”)

The Golden Gai is one of those rare places in Tokyo that, through some combination of luck and stubbornness, hasn’t been bulldozed and redeveloped. Instead, consists of several blocks packed with snug, slightly ramshackle but buzzing bars.

The number of punters who can squeeze into each establishment ranges from around five to thirty, though most of them are on the smaller side. Each bar has its own hook, whether outlandish decor (from troll toys to hospital-themed uniforms), a signature drink or the promise of free, painfully off-key karaoke at all hours. And the friendly locals even let us in!

Along the way we discover just how many of our fellow revellers studied English in Brisbane, learn about the best and worst Japanese Whiskeys, discover the subtleness of Sake variations, the tang of dried Squid and the blessing of ever so slightly fuzzy hangovers. And where to find the Robot! Stay tuned!

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2 Comments on Shinjuku, Sake and robots…

  1. Jane Davies
    April 8, 2018 at 1:59 pm (7 years ago)

    Love the tip stealer! Love the description even more – that little are sounds like it rocks. Can’t wait to read more. Almost as good as being there’s!

    • Indulge Divulge
      April 8, 2018 at 6:13 pm (7 years ago)

      Thanks Jane! It’s a fascinating place!


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