So ok…our B&B ‘La Lanterne’ in Sarlat doesn’t quite match up to the Castle we’ve20110507-103914.jpg reluctantly vacated in Mirambeau…but the lovely bottle of vin Rouge that’s fueled our giggly stagger back up through the tiny curved, cobbled and oh so quaint alleyways to our B&B, accompanied by a pretty impressive Quasi Modo knock off as the bells ring in the nearby church…more than makes up for the shortfall.

Started the day with a lovely drive down to Saint-Emilion, home of over 38 world heritage listed wineries, bordering on the Dordogne…all scattered amongst ancient architecture and into Sarlat, magnificent, centuries old fortress.

20110507-104253.jpgA steep and narrow cobbled street leads us to Le Lantern hidden behind a rustic wooden door leading into a quaint ivy shrouded courtyard. After meeting our hosts, their dogs Frodo and Phoebe (Frodo sings opera, has a spot on YouTube), throw the kit into our rooms, throw a robust red down our throats then head down into the village to feast.

Charming and atmospheric, it’s walls shrouded with roses and ivy and each abode jumbled atop another, Sarlat is the home of Fois Gras and you can eat anything as long as it’s canard…

20110507-063712.jpgNext morning we explore Chateau Puymartin, the engineering of its steep stacked stone roof of particular interest. Moving on we explore rock grottos where dwellers have carved homes into the sandstone cliffs.

The Dordogue -Perigourd region is full of Chateaus and Grottos, making for thirsty work and sated with a picnic lunch by the river Montignac.  Panne and Fois Gras, Mumm 2002 vintage Champagne, (so reasonably priced in this neck of the woods) and we’re back in the swing.



Returning to Sarlat, Pixi and Fifi wander back to the square, immerse ourselves in the  to sip cocktails and bask in the warmth of the late afternoon sun and contemplate restaurants, so many to choose from, so much canard. Would kill for a steak!






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