Sitting in a relaxing bubble bath, contemplating the beauty of the french language and playing with the Chaud and Froid taps with my toes while determining whether the bathr20110507-051915.jpgoom decor could be classed French ProvinciaI, I realize there’s extra flesh protruding. Necessitating immediate mental note to pull the reins in? This could be challenging as I’ve just eaten the best meal yet at Auberge des Lices.

Tucked down one of the narrow alley ways that meander through Carcassone’s medieval fortress Auberge des Lices offers temptations including rich tomato mousse in jars accompanied with delicate salted wafers, tenter chicken breasts nestled in rich cognac sauce; the food excellent, service disinterested, the fortress rather ho hum for it’s hard to remove Sarlat’s uniqueness from the race.

20110507-051752.jpgWell deserved too after a long day exploring Chateau Feodal de Beynac, a castle originating in 1453 and where Joan of Arc was filmed. The view from here is absolutely breathtaking. Lost for words, we simply stare in awe. A ‘very’ scenic drive to Carcassone via Domme, as the Garman continues to confuse us and now secure in the quite magnificent Demeure Saint Lewis, our B&B for this evening.

Must say, Dicky has been the most marvelous driver, Fifi the ‘back seat in the front seat’ back up to silly Garmin woman, Poppy, our Peugeot… ‘carriage de magnificent’.






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