
For the movers and shakers

Let’s do it! 

I love the concept of ‘Paying it Forward’ don’t you? If you’ve ever seen the movie, you’ll know what I’m talking about.

The story involves a social studies teacher (Kevin Spacey) who gives his junior high school class a challenge – to think of an idea that might change the world for the better, then put it into action. One young student (Haley Joe Osment) creates a plan for “paying forward” favors, which, unknown to him, blossoms into a profound national phenomenon.

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” Ghandi

Just one act has potential to create a ripple, a wave, a Tsunami…so how do we do it? In the words of Morgan Freeman…

This week I plan to:

  • give a genuine compliment a day
  • pay for the coffee of the next dude in the queue
  • bake a friend a cake
  • spend time with another in need
  • treat the team to morning tea

Would love to hear your ideas!

This I will…will you?

Happy New Year!

To my wonderful blog followers, thank you for your support and here’s to the best year yet! Now what are you planning to do with the next 365 brand new days?

I love a good resolution or two however I usually find mine falling over by February. These days I prefer to make a list of things that are good for me, my well being, for fun, and for others…e.g. watch all the Hitchcock movies, reward my body with at least two Yoga sessions a week, call my Mum at least fortnightly, bake a friend a birthday cake, volunteer for at least two work projects to grow while elevating my brand at work…you get the drift? Underpinning these I also like to put a few basic Values in place – guiding principles you might say. A manifesto that serves both our selves and the greater good. Found this fab little pin on Pinterest – it inspired me, hope it does you too….


White hot and passionate…

Recently had the good fortune to meet an individual who personifies this statement in everything he does and just had to share. I hope it inspires you too…

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