
For the movers and shakers

Move over George Orwell…

You’re in the job market, resume’s looking good and you’re now waiting for the recruiter to call. Chances are they’re busy checking out your online presence. Did you know that 98% of recruiters will view your LinkedIn profile before they meet you? What’s more it’s standard for hiring managers and recruiters to check out your Facebook and Twitter profiles as well. Yes…the tech savvy are now using sophisticated technology to piece together a bigger picture of your profile. Sounding a tad too George Orwellian?

Here’s how it works…

When you look at two or three status updates on your social media profile, they may tell one story, but when you look at all of them in a timeline, they may paint a completely different picture. Are you an over-sharer, whiner, arguer, boundary-crosser, or one-upper person when posting online? What’s your personality? Are you open, creative, inventive, logical or easy going?

Curious to know if the image I’d like to project was aligned with the one I was actually projecting, I tested the following links and found FiveLabs fun (you all passed with flying colors), MyLife and Spokio dished more but required a fee to unlock a deeper dive, and my email address alone had Google bringing up page upon page of past blog posts.

What will you discover about you?

FiveLabs: Enter the link to your Facebook profile on this site and Five Labs will analyse the language of your posts to predict personality, and it is surprisingly accurate. Based on modern psychology, Five Labs ranks you on five personality traits – agreeableness, neuroticism, conscientiousness, extroversion and openness. Their methodology is based on the world’s largest language and personality study, conducted by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania.

MyLife: Searches the internet to find all your public profiles, then presents the uncovered information. Some info may be sensitive in nature, and not the type you may want a prospective employer to see. For the paid version, you have more options such as viewing the online records the service found, who’s been searching for you on Google, and much more. As well, it removes sensitive information for you if you have their paid version of the service.

Spokeo: This is a people search engine that scours the internet, aggregating data from many online and offline sources. A Spokeo search returns phone numbers, address, email and photos. US only at this time though the site revealed a surprising amount of information on my profiles but again required a fee to unlock.

Google: Most of us know we should search our name on the search engine, but have you ever searched your phone number and email address to see what comes up? You might be surprised by what you see.

John Hamm - Mad Men

Image: From James Minchin’s behind the scenes photos of Mad Men –

Extract from Career + Work Blog | Right Management
‘Cleaning your Digital Footprint in Preparation for a Job Search’
Posted: 25 Sep 2014 (US)

Mojo taken a holiday?

Ever found your *Mojo quietly sneaking away to an exotic destination while you struggle on with the busyness of life? I did after returning from six months wandering Europe at leisure – schedules, deadlines and accountabilities other than to myself refreshingly absent ‘cept for the odd challenge deciphering train schedules and menus…and the thought of that eventual return to normality.

Turns out my Mojo chose to stay on a particularly spectacular little beach on the Côte d’Azur while I desperately struggled to resume the life I once knew, sans a loving partner with whom I’d been cohabiting the previous five years.

Emotions ran riot. My writing suffered. I spent endless energy searching for the next big thing, lost appreciation for what I already had and felt ashamed for doing so. Had my company not offered stimulating projects, a posse of loving friends their quiet support, and the discovery of four simple steps (outlined below) I’m sure my whining would have resulted in a one way ticket to a land far, far away, an airport escort and a chorus of ‘don’t come back y’hear!’

If your Mojo’s giving you the slip, feel reassured that a couple of days in a downward direction won’t kill you. However, as I found, it’s extremely easy to keep heading downhill. The climb back up is way more difficult. In fact it requires constant effort.

Try this:

  1. Make a list of at least five areas in your life and work that are important to you
  2. Resolve to take at least one action, every day, to improve that area of your life.
  3. Schedule those actions into your daily routine.
  4. Execute on your plan.

My personal list:

Health: Sign up and participate in at least one health enhancing activity
Family: Make at least one person in my family feel incredibly loved
Friendships: Check in on at least two friends weekly
Work: Put my hand up to lead at least one project that will make me a valued employee
Network: Call or email at least one business contact weekly
Finance: Take at least one action that will give me more control over my finances
Creativity: Do at least one creative activity that’s not business related
Growth: Engage in at least two brain stimulating activities
Home: Make at least one enhancement to my abode
Spiritual: Choose just one activity that will quieten the chattering monkeys in my head

Once I recorded actual activities, I contracted with myself to meet those resolutions, day after day, week after week. The bonus was I found my activity created upward momentum in other areas in my life I’d previously neglected and allowed to head downhill.

I also discovered that because each small action ensured that I would give attention to these areas of my life, I found myself doing more than the minimum that I resolved to do. I also found that the goals forced me to get more done in less time at work in order to focus on my new resolutions.

Try this method for a week. Once you feel the upward momentum, you won’t want to stop and before your know it…why hello Mojo?…welcome back my friend.

Would love to hear your hints for reenergizing, feel free to drop a comment.


Image: Mad Men/AMC
*Mojo – a magic charm, talisman or spell; sex appeal or talent’

Figure of Speech…

Challenged with delivering a presentation to a ‘take no prisoner’ audience? Frightened at the prospect of conducting business with that very, very, very VIP? Been there, done that and you know what? I actually survived. How? Well I adopt a ‘fake it till you make it’ approach. On occasion I even resort to imagining my audience naked…sitting on the loo…with pumpkin heads. I know, I know…but it works for me. Here’s one very famous individual’s own coping mechanism.

Sassy, stylish iconic Lauren Bacall was so nervous during her very first scene with Bogart in ‘To Have or Have Not’, her trembling hands prevented her from lighting the cigarette required for the scene. So what did she do? Eyes down, she poured all her energy into focusing on those hands until they stilled…then, chin still to chest, lifted her eyes to his. And thus was born ‘The Look’. And a place on the Uber cool Hollywood A list. And Bogie’s heart. Poor pet had no idea she was actually ‘faking it ’till she made it’.

Lending further cachet to her iconic status, Bacall also had a number of memorable observations on life. Here are my faves…

On speaking up: ‘You can’t acquire a voice. Either you have it or you don’t’

On creativity: ‘Imagination is the highest kite one can fly’

On aging: ‘I think your whole life shows in your face and you should be proud of that’

On splitting up: ‘In Hollywood, an equitable divorce settlement means each party getting 50 per cent of publicity’

On Celebrity: ‘I hope I’m thought of as not just a showbiz personality, but as someone who has lived a life and who hopefully made a contribution to something along the way – someone who is a human being as well as an actress.’

Well done and well said Bacall. RIP. Now what about you, what’s your secret weapon? And what are your most sage observations on life?


Photograph: Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images

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