

For the movers and shakers

Pete Rosser…I salute you!

Noticed a lovely message on Facebook recently – my sister acknowledging with admiration her husband’s tireless work on the land. The photo supporting her post said it all. There stood a ruggedly muscular man in Levi’s, RM Williams boots, a ragged Stetson planted firmly atop a deeply tanned face, stooping to split hay bales for a skittery flock of sheep while his sheepdog stood chest deep in the nearby water trough. The heat shimmering on the arid horizon backdrop speaking to a scorching, unrelenting sun.

The image brought to mind the moving audio backdrop on a Ram Trucks ad aired during the recent US Super Bowl God needed a caretaker, voiced by Paul Harvey, a salt of the earth, conservative radio broadcaster, way back in 1978. I can just hear our late great Peter Harvey’s voice sharing the same sentiment.

For Pete and all the tireless farmers out there working this wide brown land girt by sea…

And on the 8th day, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, “I need a caretaker.” So God made a farmer.

God said, “I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, milk cows, work all day in the fields, milk cows again, eat supper and then go to town and stay past midnight at a meeting of the school board.” So God made a farmer. (more…)

I’m inspired by…

I’m inspired by women who are using technology to leave their mark on history. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s TED talk “The Danger of a Single Story“, speech addressed the role stories play in helping us understand other cultures and our own. It went viral and was later topped with her most recent TED talk “We Should all be Feminists“; elements of this address since sampled by Beyonce on the song “****Flawless” (more…)

On Adjusting the Sails…

Ever had one of those emotionally overwhelming weeks where you vacillate between consuming an entire bottle of wine or sobbing down the phone to your Mum? This past week spent sadly farewelling a fallen comrade (post ‘Farewell Mon Capitaine’); reliving the loss of our beloved Telly; battling headaches and flu symptoms; a voice replaced with raspy gasps; a laptop refusing to function…the fountain of positivity positively drained. So what’s a girl to do?

Sup champagne with the Captain’s lovely wife, family and friends in celebration of a life lived to the fullest. Recall the very best of life spent with Telly. Gargle honey, lemon and Aspirin with a chaser of Codral Cold & Flu and make the most of that deep sexy voice. Light a scented candle, luxuriate in a good book. Visit the Apple store and invest in a new baby. Thank beloved laptop for her six years spent reliably and steadfastly documenting and sharing life and love, travels and book, photos and blog. She deserves it. Fountain slowly replenished, sails adjusted. Feeling better now…


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