
For the movers and shakers

Dreams to Reality

Are your dreams (career or otherwise) languishing in the ‘one day when’ box? Sometimes the smallest thing can give a dream the impetus to take wings. I found mine when I saw a blog post regarding a Writer’s Retreat, to be hosted by the inspirational Lisa Clifford and conducted in the Tuscan mountains just outside Florence, Italy. Living up to my Blog’s edict – one chance at life – I bit the bullet and enrolled and I’m so glad I did, I had a ball. What’s more I found Lisa’s own story equally inspirational. I asked if she might share via a guest blog and she kindly agreed. Over to Lisa…

20130808-203646.jpgOne of the buzzwords on the internet is ‘dream.’ Make your dream come true, visualise your dream, indulge your dream. There are programmes, foundations and projects called Dream as well as Rebuild the Dream, Dream Hotels and Dream Travel. The focus now on making your dreams come true is incredible. So to coin a lyric from Les Miserables, I dreamed a dream and joined the Dream Team…I created my dream job.

My dream for years was to organise a retreat for writers in my adopted home, Tuscany. I had already published three books, had a fourth on the way and a movie in the pipeline. It was definitely time to give something back. Firstly, to others who dream of becoming published writers and secondly to the mountains of Tuscany, the place that helped make all my dreams come true.

The idea was to design a programme that I personally would love to do, something that offered a special kind of withdrawal into a creative space. Lots of lectures from published writers and fabulous teachers, professionals who are particularly good at evaluating what you’ve written. A writers retreat that offered time to learn, time to create and exceptional private time to chat with authors who’ve made their mistakes and subsequently wanted to share how to avoid the common and not-so-common problems of working with the written word.

20130808-203637.jpgSeveral writers, along with a British Creative Writing teacher that I have worked with in the past, agreed to join me for five days of lectures. We learn in the morning, write in the afternoons and have guest speakers at night. As time goes on, more writers and creative writing teachers have joined my team.

The Art of Writing runs always in the second week of June and the second week of September. We book out an entire Tuscan agriturismo (Italian run family farms that by law have to provide 50% of local produce on their tables) with ten apartments, for ten writers. The Art of Writing groups are small and intimate, ideal for nurturing and encouraging each other.

Here is a short video of the 2013 Art of Writing. I hope it helps you think about your dream and how you too can make it come true.

2013 Art of Writing

Thanks Lisa!
For more inspiration don’t hesitate to check in on Lisa’s own sites:




Key inspiration. Deirdre, Jim, self, Lisa, Penny, Catherine, (Morag missing)
Key inspiration.
Deirdre, Jim, self, Lisa, Penny, Catherine, (Morag missing)

By the way, there’s a lot more to the retreat besides grasping the concept of writing a best seller as you’ll see by photos and post: ‘On finding one’s voice’

NB: Jane is currently on sabbatical in Northern Italy contemplating and acting on outcomes. Feel free to follow her jaunts on this blog. Comments always welcome!

Service, service…wherefore art thou?

A plea to Fierinzian restaurant owners…(and others too!)

Dear restaurant owners in the major Piazzas, I’m worried that you spend so much energy spruiking us into your refined spaces, only to leave us at the mercy of waitstaff who fail to follow through? Wine glasses begging refill, menus forgotten, requests neglected while empty tables receive rigorous cleaning attention.

Esteemed restaurant with 10 waitstaff and 40 tables, just six of them occupied; I’m worried that you failed to notice the Italian couple who quietly stood, collected their Louis Vuitton and Chanel purchases and left after an excruciating 25 minutes trying to attract your attention. Generous of them for I suspect that kind of shopping would evoke a serious thirst. I also suspect they have powerful voices. Word of mouth?

Dear little Bistro with decor rustic and welcoming, the menu authentic, the food splendid, hospitality gracious (thank you); I’m curious to know why your charming little hole in the wall was brimming with just one nationality. American? ‘Guaranteed to feel true Italian hospitality, you’ll love it’ whispered the two from an adjoining table in another earlier that day. Who, incidentally, were trying to get beers topped up while wives topped up the retail economy. Reassuring, though sad, to see ‘victim’ wasn’t our exclusive right. Word of mouth. Powerful stuff. Good tippers too those yanks.

Nondescript little cafe up a nondescript little side street, I’m worried you turned me away because you may have had to seat me at a table that could potentially accommodate more than one? Sound business decision? Noticed your tables remained empty. First day solo, a tad vulnerable, craving warmth and hospitality and hell hath no fury like a woman in that condition. Dear little bistros that did take me in? Your Trip Advisor reports just garnered more positives. Word of mouth.

Am I being ‘giudicante‘ – judgmental? There have been wonderful exceptions yes. Do we have similar issues in Australia? Absolutely. But with such glaring consistency? In my opinion, no.

You see dear owner, in a city saturated with restaurants I’m worried that you’ll be folding those chairs for the last time to the echo of the jingling pockets crowding your beautiful squares, admiring your magnificent architectural wonders and wandering your quaint cobbled streets; disappearing into the select few who actually earned the right to their patronage.

Uncertain economical times leave little room for complacency or distain. A dollar is a dollar, tourist’s or otherwise and as travelers become more discerning about where to spend their hard earned cash, word of mouth becomes ever more critical to your survival. Love your customer, love your job and do it well or get out of the industry for your not doing your country any favors.


Well written JD!

OK…so this writing gig I’ve committed myself to involves capturing particularly beautiful pieces of work, clever analogy, visually stimulating concepts, words that resonate so much you can almost taste them. Thus my excitement when I came across this particularly inspiring line from the author of Catcher in the Rye – JD Salinger. This one from his novel A Girl I Knew. 


And just for good measure, my absolute favourite from the pen of Michael Faudet, author of Dirty Pretty Things…

Michael Faudet

Michael Faudet

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