For the home enhancers, the foodies, the wanderers

Musings on Rituals…

Hello, lovely readers. We’re back! And how exciting to be in a whole new year, a chance to revisit the highlights of ‘24 and plot an unchartered course for ‘25.

You know, there was a time when January found me jotting resolutions. A time when I left behind a paper constellation of dreams and intentions, a blueprint for the year ahead. Not so this year. Instead, I found myself listening to a deeper rhythm, one that no longer requires the familiar structure of those scribes. I’m easing into a whole new way of being, a rhythm. I call it my ‘rince, rejuvenate, regenerate, repeat’

Having now embedded itself in my psyche, the results of my rituals are already quite impressive. Angst replaced with calm, the small stuff no longer sweated, my barn full of fucks now saved for seriously deserving situations. ‘It’s ok, it will all work out’, my new mantra. Even when this blog returned a ‘fatal error’ message, which would typically result in a ‘Kevin’ from Home Alone, I calmly jumped on Fiverr, found a WordPress superhuman, and within 24 hours, prob solved. Ahhh!

Not to say there won’t be times when I may be provoked enough to want to poke someone in the eye, but hey! It’s a bloody marvellous start. So, what does this ritual entail?

Awakening to my inbuilt alarm, I’m already smiling at our puppa’s joy as I don sneakers and sunscreen, clip on her brace, and head out for a 30 min puppy pee-mail stroll. Then, up to the rooftop gym for a quick 30-minute workout, cossie change, sauna chat with the silver fox, and a couple of laps in the pool with just enough time to dry while indulging in a little five senses* ritual. By 8 am I’m positively vibrating with energy when I hit the desk. Night rituals wrap up with the odd lazy Yin Yoga sesh, notes in the gratitude journal, an electronics curfew and a snuggle and chat with the fox before drifting into slumberland. Repeat.

Inspiration from my boss’s own ‘rinse, repeat’ ritual – gym, ocean dip, walk the dog with coffee in hand, desk. Whatever the facilities at your fingertips, I know you’ll have your own. If not, perhaps I’ve inspired you.

Shall we return to see how this is working out after the silver fox and I embark on our first overseas trip together? Airports and train stations always a portent for a complete purge of my mental fuck barn. When screaming matches and mini meltdowns supersede calm. When thoughts of throwing a culprit, whoever they are, under a bus for some mild aberration. It can get ugly. August. Britain. Five months. Might the psychological benefits my little ritual be the game changer that keeps us out of the divorce courts?

Love to hear about your little rituals! Drop your thoughts in the comments section.
With love

Parisian Pizzas…

While pizza might not be the first thing that dances through your mind when you think of France—especially the romantic streets of Paris—let’s be real: who can resist the allure of a perfectly crafted pizza?

Picture this: you’re strolling along the Seine, the Eiffel Tower sparkling in the distance, when suddenly, your taste buds start a little tango. Sure, you can indulge in croissants and escargot, but then, hmmm…that unmistakable waft of wood-fire in the air…voilà! Peppe!

Ranked best Pizzaiolo in France, this pizzeria was founded by Giuseppe Cutraro, affectionately known as Peppe. A native Neapolitan, Peppe the pizza maker proudly represented France at the world Pizza Championship in Naples which he won hands down. Drop in to 11 Rue Etienne Marcel (2nd arrondissement) and select from classic Margheritas to gourmet toppings that would make even the most seasoned Italian chef nod in approval. Flavour recommendations?

Try the Campione del Mundo – yellow tomatoes, prosciutto, provolone, and mozzarella, roasted almonds and a touch of fig jam – ah bellissimo or should I say magnifique! But wait! What about Dessert?

Continue on the pizza trail by dropping into Cedric Grolet’s Coffee Cafe at 35 Av. De l’Opera (also in the 2nd arrondissement) where your dessert pizza king, with an infectious passion for the perfect pizza cookie, will serve you a slice that makes your decadent heart sing. Flavours?

Choose from Cacahuete (nuts), Fraise (strawberries), Framboise (raspberries), Pistache, Noisette (hazelnut) and Pecan. The cookies come pre-sliced and served in pizza boxes.

Pricey? Yes. Feast for the senses? Most definitely! Nutella crepes be damned! Embrace the unexpected darlings, and let the pizza adventure unfold in the City of Lights!

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