
For the home enhancers

DeClutter and Desist!

Need a Crock Pot? What about a juice extractor, popcorn maker, slightly broken blender? Size 8? Need a few shirts n’ skirts? My friends are nervous. Why the cull? You are coming back aren’t you?

I confess. A christmas read – Gretchen Ruben’s ‘The Happiness Project’ – started this. Gretchen documented her strategy to improve her already satisfying life with a new concept per month. Her mission for January – to ‘Boost Energy’. How? Go to sleep earlier; exercise better; toss, restore and organise…now that I could do. Added it to the 2013 Resolution list along with ‘spend less’, ‘give more’.

Which led me to another read – ‘Miss Minimalist – Inspiration to Downsize, De-clutter and Simplify’ by Francine Jay, this author’s intent being to inform us of just how much stuff we really don’t need cluttering our nests.

Minimalist indeed! According to Francine I could live without that TV, therefore wouldn’t need the console it sits on and heck, since we no longer watch a telly, why clutter the room with a lounge suite when two chairs would do – seriously? Did glean many excellent nuggets though, the basic premise being – if you rarely use it, get rid of it. A fabulous de-clutter exercise, count me in and add that to the list, along with ‘be charitable’, ‘give generously’.

Which led to the sabbatical plan requiring I pack and store everything except the basics my prospective tenants would expect from a fully furnished lease. Pack all that stuff then unpack it all again in 6 months? No, just the clothing items that fit and flatter, the electricals that have earned their keep, the signature items that make my abode my home, my haven, my nest.

Colleagues, friends and family…if you would use or wear it, it’s yours. Charities…stand by. Oh! And would someone please claim that damn fondue set?

My beloved friends, I am coming back…to clean lines, clutter free cupboards and elegant, minimalist living. Wonderful things those resolutions! Thank you for caring.


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Create visual ‘stories’

Bringing treasures together to create a visually stimulating ‘story’ never fails to give me pleasure, something to do with the old retail days no doubt, therefore finding fabulous blogs featuring people who share this passion is always exciting. This lovely collection thanks to Alex Berlin, an interior designer who makes her living creating unique, welcoming, aesthetically pleasing homes, this one hers. Muted greys, touches of pink and gold appealing to both masculine and feminine.







Extract and photos compliments of an interview by The Glitter Guide on Alex, whose style aesthetic can be seen on her personal blog: Things That Sparkle.
Photography by Danielle Moss.





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A cold Xmas day in Prague

While in Prague my lovely friend Anne-Maree felt a burning desire to cook a nosh for her partner Steve in their little apartment on Xmas day, just as her Dad had so many years before. This was a journey of familial enlightenment, a revisit to ancestral foundations therefore a pub nosh just wouldn’t have the same resonance.

Problem was, a trawl through the local supermarket revealed all but empty deli shelves, a humble chorizo sausage, a few chicken thighs, a red onion. Ever the creative, our girl got to work throwing the goodies plus a few spuds, lemon zest and a capsicum into an oven bag then into a convection micro-wave oven and voila – Christmas lunch! Didn’t exactly know how to work that oven, but that’s another story…

As it turns out, her instinct had taken her to a perfect duplication of Nigella Lawson’s ‘Spanish Chicken’ recipe. A beautifully tender and heart warming dish originating from a Brit’s creativity, brought to life by an Aussie, served up on a snowy winter’s day in a beautiful city in the Czech Republic.
I had the very good fortune to taste Anne-Maree’s version last night…seriously super and oh so easy! Here’s the Recipe:

• Throw a tad of olive oil into a roasting pan and toss chicken thighs in, skin side down
• Add sliced chorizo sausage, a chopped red onion, zest of an orange, touch of dried oregano, skinned capsicum quarters and a few baby potatoes cut into wedges, a spot of sea salt and grind of cracked pepper
• Pop pan into oven at preheated 220c for 1 hour or so, taking care not to let the chicken over cook and dry out
• Serve with greens or just by itself

Choose ingredient quantities according to the amount of hungry people your planning to feed.

A robust dish such as this deserves a Semillion or a lovely chilled Rosé.

Thanks as always for your wonderful hospitality Anne-Maree & Steve!


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