
For the foodies

Thai Cooking Classes anyone?

Game on! Declared one of the über enthusiastic wanna be Thai cooking novices as she overheard us giggling about our secret weapon…the super speedy slicing, dicing, chopping guru…Chef BJ; joining us at our Thai cooking class today to expand his own culinary expertise.

Turns out there was no time to compete as the twelve of us, paired at six Master Chef equivalent benches resplendent with aprons, pans, tongs and a very impressive Pestle and Mortar, proceeded to interpret and craft aspects of our four menus, the secret being to bring all to a magnificent crescendo, each dish landing on the table simultaneously to be consumed by the hungry hoards…us.

Chef Josh regaled us with stories of burning out his taste buds on wicked chillies while deftly demonstrating how to ‘smoke’ tomatoes and chili then pulverise into a snazzy little relish to compliment ‘just seared’ scallops, at the same time pointing out the difference between galangal, turmeric and ginger bulbs, the myriad of aromatic spices, pastes and fresh herbs, and the delicate fundamentals of sour, sweet, salty and bitter taste sensations. Oh! And it seems those wicked chillies clearly damaged his olfactory system too…he actually loves the smell of Fish Sauce. Gak!

Deserved a medal that boy…gently nursing chaos into calm as we jostled to gather our ingredients like foragers of the wild frontier while squabbling about who should dice, grind, roast, toast or scorch.

The result of all this activity? A very ‘Royal Thai’ banquet consumed to a chorus of Oh Yeah! …and in the case of that relish…Holy Burning Tastebuds! Seems Chef Josh had the last laugh.

Try a Thai class, your taste buds will thank you for it.





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Loving that trifle bowl…

I do love to ‘feed and water’ my friends, whether it be a casual brekky or a five course evening event and thus am always on the look out for new ways to present my offerings.  BJ shares the passion for cooking and pulls together the mains while I plan desserts and conduct the very important ‘plating up’ exercise…presentation is everything! Somehow it just seems to taste better don’t you think?

You’ll notice I’ve been having a passionate affair with ‘stacks’ and ‘mounds’ for some time now, most recently the avocado prawn and salsa stacks so appealing due to their colourful layers, and  I’m particularly fond of serving vanilla pannacottas, light, smooth on the palette and a beautifully creamy backdrop for rose water infused strawberries and delicate rose petals, or berries or….well,  it’s time for something new!

The recent desire to buy a pedestal glass bowl required justification and  trifle immediately came to mind. Problem was, am not particularly fond of trifle, something to do with soggy Sherry soaked cake and half drunk Aunts.  Test driving the bowl would require something different. With layers in mind and the knowledge that  all things 80’s were making a come back (think prawn cocktails) had a lightbulb moment!

Strawberries and Chantilly Cream but with a modern twist…think ‘Eaton’s Mess’ but with a tad more structure. Lovely layers of  merangues, cream, strawberries marshmallows, vanilla icecream and turkish delight all topped with a delicate smattering of lightly toasted slivered almonds…mmmm! Lovely red and white layers, looks good, tastes decadent and appeals to most. So simple yet so impressive, try it!

 Strawberry Trifle


3 punnets strawberries, 2 punnets worth finely slithered lengthwise, 1 punnet halved

6 soft Merangues, preferably those little fresh soft puffy ones cut into three layers (or substitute with crumbled crisp merangues)

Litre Cream, infused with 1 teaspoon vanilla essence whipped to stiff peak

1/2 bag white Marshmallows chopped

3 slices deli Turkish delight chopped

Rose water sprinkled on slithered strawberries to infuse

Slivered almonds, lightly toasted

Scoops of Vanilla icecream


Place layer of merangue on bottom of bowl then follow with a layer of the whipped cream

Surround the centre internal circumference of the bowl with layers of strawberry slithers pressed against the sides then throw remaining slithers in

Place another layer of merangue followed by another layer of cream

Top with marshmallow and turkish delight chunks, another of the cream then a final layer of merangue

Finish by piping big cream rosettes of cream on top

Plant halved strawberries into piped cream in a circular pattern, finishing with the best on top

Sprinkle slithered toasted almonds over the top just before serving

Refrigerate until ready to serve

Serve atop big scoops of vanilla icecream

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A humble Risotto…

Risotto, a simple tasty dish with unlimited themes, perfect for surprise guests…but what’s YOUR preferred methodology for creating the dish?

Personally I find great pleasure in sipping a little vino, inhaling the delicate flavors and dreaming of Italian travels as I gently massage ladles of stock, one by one, into freshly sautéed leeks and glistening wine infused pearly Arborio rice grains until they’ve absorbed to a slight al dente.

Then there’s the thrill of selecting and adding complementary ingredients, handfuls of Parmesan, seasoning and fresh herbs, then delighting in the rich aroma as flavors infuse. A Nigellaesque moment. A selfish indulgence, or a shared intimacy with guests who wishing to join in.

If your preference is to mingle while the dish takes care of itself, Elmo’s version…throw the lot in a pot post rice sauté, lid on, spot of random stirring ’till al dente…delivers equally satisfying outcomes.

Looking for a yummy version with a creamy finish? Try one of Elmo’s recipes, simple methodology, great on flavor…

Smoked Cod & Pea Risotto:

4 fillets smoked cod
2 finely chopped onions
2 cups frozen peas
2 cups Arborio rice
1.5 litres Fish stock
250 ml thickened cream
Italian parsley to garnish

– Remove skin from cod fillets and dice into 2cm cubes
– Pop stock in a saucepan and bring to simmer
– Heat a little oil in large pan and fry onions till soft
– Add rice and stir together until grains become translucent
– Add stock one ladle at a time until absorbed and rice has a creamy consistency and is al dente (slightly firm)
– Add smoked cod, peas and cream and stir until cod is cooked through
– Season with cracked pepper to taste
– Serve in deep bowls garnished with parsley sprigs
– Enjoy!

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