
Food for the soul

Kickstarting your Mojo…

Happy New Year lovely readers! Brand new year, brand new resolutions yeah? I love a good resolution, problem is, the minute I start implementing those well-intentioned plans, the good old work/life treadmill starts up and before I know it, my Mojo has packed its bags and flown out to some exotic dream destination. A few years ago It had good reason to for I’d just returned from six months wandering Europe at leisure, free from schedules, deadlines and accountabilities other than to myself, ‘cept for the occasional challenge of deciphering train schedules…and the thought of that eventual return to normality.

That year, my Mojo chose to stay on a particularly spectacular little beach on the Côte d’Azur while I desperately struggled to resume the life I once knew.

Emotions ran riot. My writing suffered. I spent endless energy searching for the next big thing, lost appreciation for what I already had and felt ashamed for doing so. Had my company not offered stimulating projects, my posse of loving friends their quiet support, and the discovery of four simple steps (outlined below) I’m sure my whining would have resulted in a one way ticket to a land far, far away, an airport escort and a chorus of ‘don’t come back y’hear!’

Has your Mojo given you the slip?

If your Mojo’s taken a holiday, feel reassured that a couple of days in a downward direction won’t kill you. However, as I found, it’s extremely easy to keep heading downhill. The climb back up is way more challenging. In fact, it requires constant effort.


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