Ah! The majesty of the Chateau de Versailles. The original built by Louis XIII, enlarged by Louis XIV and continuing to be embellished through the reigns of Louis XV and Louis XVI, vacated the day after the French revolution and so on…our heads are spinning from the action of those days, the sheer opulence and the pomp and ceremony; our African Frenchman shares fascinating facts in his best french accented broken english…rather a novel way to learn the details of Louis, Marie Antoinette, Napoleon, Josie et al. The hall of mirrors quite spectacular and the gardens stunning in their elegance.20110530-124410.jpg

Finish this our third day with a lovely evening in the company of Fifi and Dickie’s friends Bruna and Rob, dining off the Champs Élysées then strolling it’s length to photograph each other in front of the Arc de Triumph…as you do.20110530-124459.jpg

Bruna is adorned in fabulous trinkets thanks to her latest purchasing expedition for ‘Harlequin Market’ her jewelry store in Paddington, Sydney. She’s sporting the latest Hermes bangle…deeply coveted by Pixie…and plans to take we girls to’the’ street to be seen in…we feel our bank accounts contract at the mere thought! Rob will keep the poor hapless Dicky entertained for we have come to a marvelous conclusion…our beloved Paris really is the domaine of us girly girls…I attempt to appease with photos of the latest concept cars.










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