A chill out in the Byron Bay region would not be complete without a spot of beach walking, market trawling and a quaint village or two. Thus, we curbed the volume of actual Margaritas at Miss Margaritas in down town Byron in favor for clear heads and an early Sunday start.
First stop Three Blue Ducks (Byron) – a barn house bulging with quality locally grown goodies including a chiller room laden with farm fresh veggies and deli goods, a counter piled high with freshly baked bread, a kitchen filled with chefs on overdrive and rustic tables crowded with Sunday breakfast revelers. From heaped bowls of toasted muesli topped with Barambah organic yogurt, peaches and rhubarb compote to smoked Mahi-Mahi and chickpea rillettes, farmed herbs, chili kale, labneh and poached egg, our tastebuds are positively zinging.
Hold off says Miss Jilly and, rounding up the gang who’ve wandered off to examine assorted farm critters, we pile into the cars and head on up to Newrybar.
‘DEAD PEOPLE’S STUFF NOW ON SALE’ declares an A-frame board beckoning us into an Antique store, but not before claiming a table at Harvest to sate those tastebuds. Yum! Settling for the macadamia smoked trout, scrambled egg, freekeh and kraut we relax into a cold-pressed organic cleansing juice that strips away the last vestiges of a slightly excessive weekend and take in our surrounds. A famous surfer engaging his cluster of budding grommets in animated conversation, an aging celebrity sporting a coiffed and coloured bouffant akin to Trump mentally commanding the room, an assortment of well heeled fellow punters gracing plump leather chairs before a rustic fireplace. The bar well tended, staff friendly. Our collective seal of approval? That’s going straight to the blog!
A trawl through Country House Antiques to admire chairs and clocks and a sweet little store next door to stroke dreamy linens and homewares. Driftlab to hanker after a particularly cute duke box surrounded by hip gear. Newrybar Merchants to marvel at this charming 1890’s dwelling housing creative local artisans and curators of fine foods to select treats to munch on the journey home. Now that’s what I call a worthy Sunday.
Thanks Jane D, Jilly, Ben and Reuben for a fabulously fun weekend!