Hello lovely readers! Yearning to scratch that travel itch? Me too! So many places to go, people to see, views to snap, exotic foods to consume, i simply can’t decide where to next.

You see, the silver fox, a Naval man with a story for every port in the world, primarily swaggering through posh hotels (aiming to attract women who can’t resist a sharp Richard Geresque white uniform I’m sure), is a tad meh! ‘Your choice Jano.’ So do I revisit existing highlights (all things European) to inspire and annoy in equal measure, or do we make new memories together? Research required stat!

Drawing inspo from my favourite travel blogs, I realised there’s a lot about travel that I’m not an expert on. Family destinations? No idea. Travelling solo? A little bit. Information on hotels? Only a little. Photography? My trusty iPhone. Food expert? Only to consume it. While researching I came across even more exciting blogs from people who CAN answer those questions; and as you might be after a little inspo as well, here are my top 5:

The Blonde Abroad

The minute you subscribe to The Blonde Abroad you’re greeted with Kiki’s favourite destinations with a focus on photography, food, culture and adventure. The safest cities to travel alone, top Safari destinations in Africa, best Scuba Dives, best Girlfriend getaways. Beautifully presented, inspirational, you can just feel Kiki’s passion pulling at your travel heart strings.

I Am Aileen

Aileen Adalid is behind the cool site I Am Aileen. Gorgeous design, ethereal photos, Aileen is the epitomy of a successful digital nomad with a mission to show us that no matter the odds, it is entirely possible to create a life of non-stop travel and establish financial independence with remote work. Check her site out for the destination guides, hints and tips and humble lessons.

Salt in Our Hair

Nick and Hannah are two creatives from The Netherlands, Salt in Our Hair is their baby, and if you’re looking for Asian, European, African, Central and South America and Middle Eastern inspiration, look no further. Their Instagram imagery so inspired I just had to subscribe! While garnering inspiration from their insightful recommendations, check their Insta out here:  #saltinourhair


Have a destination in mind, a limited itinerary and unsure where to start? 12HRS provides you with 12hr long itineraries that encapsulate the best of the best to see in one handy schedule. Less sightseeing, more wandering. Cool stores instead of tourist traps. Luxury when you want it and bargains when you least expect them. You can just feel their love for fashion, design, great food and even better coffee.

Hand Luggage Only

Yaya and Lloyd upped their Facebook holiday snap share competitiveness while at Cambridge by collaborating their stories into this one spectacular site Hand Luggage Only. Just reading their bios makes you want to follow. And that’s what I did. Not unlike 12 hours, these guys give you 10 things to do when visiting… sometimes 11 because why not? Hints, tips, hacks, advice and a cracking good journalling comes with their destinations. Check them out here: Hand Luggage Only

Now you have a glorious feast of suggestions from which to draw a little inspiration. Me? I’m hovering between Spain (the Catalonian region), Portugal and Morocco, the nordic countries or the southern tip of Italy (thanks ‘The White Lotus’ season two!) 🙂 Drop us a line on where you’re planning to brave the 24 hour flight for a fabulous holiday…


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