There’s a Christmas tree in the foyer, it looks a tad forlorn but testament to how caring and considerate the Balinese are toward those who celebrate this tradition. We’ve ‘temporarily borrowed’ a few baubles and despite the lack of wrapping paper and ribbon for our presents, created our own shrine to Christmas consumerism.

On the pressie front Bret’s most enchanted with his Justin Bieber in 3D book, I’ve yet to find ‘Wally’, Steve’s glitter, sparkle ball is still working it’s magic under the sofa and Lynnie’s still pondering on what wish 69 in her Wish Book might involve. Serious pressies as well, lots of laughter and a tear or two as we chat to family back home.

Follow up the morning’s festivities with a French Martini before frocking up to indulge in a local take on traditional Christmas luncheon fare at Ku De Ta, later chilling on the grass to observe Santa and various elves in curious costumes weave their magic with the kiddies before tuning in to the reggaesque (nice word…made it up!) tones of Michael Franti who quickly whipped the crowd into a noisy, bouncy frenzy. Just cause for heaving our hot, tired, sticky selves back to the Villa for a cool swim followed by a walk on the beach and Pizza…the perfect conclusion to a Christmas day in Bali.

A very special thank you to Janine, Alan & Gabe, Steve & Lyn and of course Mr Brettles…you collectively made this day perfect!








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