A traumatic 38 hours and tattered sense of humor later, arrived at the very funky Hotel Megaro in London with just three things on our minds…stiff drink, hot shower, wa20130514-063037.jpgrm fluffy bed.

Thanks to flight cancellation and unscheduled layover in Dubai, had arrived 12 hours too late to enjoy a lazy Sunday exploring London through David and Helen’s eyes. For those of you who followed the 2011 European jaunt, I’m talking about the very famous cousin Rupert and his lovely wife Hortense who hail from Cambridge.

Having failed dismally with the ‘suck it up Princess’ self talk, more than happily obliged when the concierge insisted we go to the bar before checking in. Seems the sneaky pair refused to be out done by a mere days worth of plans going awry and had secreted themselves there to surprise us.

20130514-063048.jpgSqueals of delight, two stiff drinks, much reminiscing, a sound strategy for future catch up and a very fond farewell later, finally hit that fluffy bed with a deeply satisfying sigh.20130514-063055.jpg

Thank you David and Helen for your thoughtfulness and generosity; for the postcards of London viewed from ‘The Shard’ in lieu of the tour; the sublime Belgian chocolates that served as breakfast on the Brussels bound train next morning; the delectable Rosé gratefully consumed to celebrate arrival in Bruges…and for your love. See you in Italy!



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