Paris oh Paris…how I miss you! France and Italy…it was a fun ride! But now its back to reality.

Back at work with a happy, happy, joy, joy face? Tick.
Back in the swing with buddy catch ups? Tick.
Back in the know with Brisbane’s latest? Tick.
Back in my home? Pending tenant exit
Back in the groove? No

Instead I have a desperate need to make everything different. To start anew. New routines, new home, new lifestyle, new work environment – my team mates anticipated the latter and set up a fresh new desk space. I love them for it. Yes, a fresh start, a whole new beginning. Apparently this restlessness has a name – ‘reverse expat syndrome’.

Nothing like a good ‘syndrome’, but what to do? Suggestions from buddies include:
• Refurb existing home
• Volunteer for enthusing work projects
• Choose new exercise routines
• Use different commute options
• Schedule theatre, art exhibit, concert gigs
• Learn a language
• Reclaim the kitchen
• Nurture the body’s wellbeing
• Plan the next journey
• Join a writers group
• Finish the book
• Meditate

Given my blog is, in my own words ‘a little scrapbook of life enhancements for me and you’ and, considering the suggestions provided thus far fit nicely within its topics – Earn, Inspire, Nest, Explore, Taste, Confess, seems a fitting place to share this new journey. So there you go! Welcome to the next exciting chapter of IndulgeDivulge.

Help me build my list and let me help you build yours via the blog. All suggestions welcome.

Meanwhile look out for a fab list of travel hints, compiled as a result of lessons learnt from a few too many ‘epic fails’.



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