Well, hello, there lovely peoples. Do you love a good old ‘to-do’ list as much as me? I have a tidy little app called ‘Reminders’ which pops up on all my devices serving as a constant…well… ‘reminder’ of all the things I haven’t done. As I stare at it, the angel perched on my left shoulder gently chides…tick off those pesky items, and you can have that glass of Champers sweetheart. The devil on the other swishes his tail and mutters ‘Nah!…pour those bubbles bitch, the list can wait! Yep, it’s time to kick those ‘to-do’s’ to the curb!

Pour those bubbles sweetheart, the list can wait!

Tired of listening to the two of them bickering, I realised drastic measures were required STAT! Always growing, never completed, my lists an essential element of both work and leisure yet oh! So exhaustive. Well, according to entrepreneur Robyn Scott, it doesn’t have to be like this.

Instead of an endless list of tasks, Robyn has a sweet little trick that will completely change how you think about your to-dos. Her suggestion? Make your tasks emotional – create a few categories that appeal to how doing that task makes you feel. For example: “highly helpful” for introductions and advice-giving, “basic decency” for thank you notes and keeping promises, or “massive relief” for tax returns and booking travel

Alex Cavoulacos’ A Mind-Blowing New Way to Think About Your To-Do List‘ (The Muse) suggests making the emotion dramatic. Alex uses headings like ‘triumphant,’ and ‘massive relief,’ for she finds this increases the allure. She also experiments with fun and fear. States or emotions on her list might be positive, or she’ll use terms like ‘avoids a physical and psychological meltdown,’ and it works for her.

‘Kick my Ass’ – kicks procrastination to the curb!

Well, I adopted their suggestions lovely readers. ‘This Week’, This Month’, ‘Goals’ and other mundane titles that blurred into one endless nag have now morphed into a bunch of fun expectations. ‘Reputation Saving‘ takes care of RSVPs, thank you’s, non-urgent responses. ‘Ass Kicking’ kicks exercise procrastination to the curb and ‘Culture Craving’ creates a ‘must book’ that art, theatre, musical event. ‘Money Grabbing‘ gets the coffers topped up with voucher claims, refunds and tax time preparation. ‘Soul Nurturing’ reminds me to take time for me – a massage, facial, coffee with a friend. And more.

My procrastination significantly reduced, and a satisfying tick against each of my emotionally focused items…oh wait? Did I hear the gentle popping of a Champagne cork?

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