Hello lovely readers, on a lighter note, dated a guy recently and talk turned to Bucket Lists where we discovered that No.1 on his list might possibly be solved with No. 72 on mine. Talk again turned to Bucket Lists over a luncheon I was hosting yesterday where my guests found themselves revisiting their own. For each accomplishment, the perfect excuse for a toast! I wrote the below post back in 2015 and, given we’re all determined to continue making the most of what this life offers, thought I’d inspire you by re-sharing: 

What’s the one thing you dream of achieving?

And what are you doing about it? I’m talking Bucket Lists ladies and gentlemen – have you developed yours? And are you steadfastly ticking those goals off?

A friend recently gifted me a fabulous little book for recording my Bucket List and, list lover extraordinaire that i am, I did exactly that. Rewarded myself by reliving and recording the goals I’d already achieved, then noted the things I’m planning to do next. A smattering below – four achieved, two in the queue – a tad of guessing for you…

  • #34 Learn to dive
  • #96 Sing at Burning Man
  • #53Learn a language
  • #16 Dance at Rio Carnival
  • #66 Explore Europe
  • #70 Skydive

“What’s one thing you dream of achieving? You know  – what’s on your list?”

A question posed by Sebastian Terry a ‘professional list-ticker’ key note speaker, motivator and adventurer. And has that guy kicked some classy goals! For example:

  • #23 Deliver a baby
  • #27 Minister a wedding
  • #43 Volunteer at an Orphanage in Uganda
  • #58 Skydive naked
  • #79 Live with a tribe for one week
  • #98 Crash a red carpet

The more adventurous items mostly ticked, Sebastian’s list now has a more philanthropic core and, as Ambassador for Camp Quality, Alzheimer’s Australia and Make-A-Wish, he’s already helped to raise more than $200,000 for them (originating from #4 – raise $100,000 for Camp Quality).

Thing is, everyone has at least one thing they have to do before they die. Some even have a list. But how many goals and dreams on this list are actually achieved?

According to a UK poll, 53% of us want to travel the world (with one in four hankering for a safari trip and one in five busting to trek Peru’s Inca Trail), 31% want to learn a new skill, 30% a road trip and 24% a new hobby. Something you’ve been itching to do but never got around to?

One day I would like to…

My Mum often pre-empts with ‘one day I will…‘ but never does. I say to her it’s never too late! A 92 year old man recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s just skydived; an 85 year old woman made history as the oldest person to scale Mt Kilimanjaro; a 91 year old debuted her flying skills and piloted a plane. Makes a bus trip around Tasmania look like a mere doddle now doesn’t it?

So what about you? Whether your goals are as tame as mine or as adventurous/philanthropic as Sebastian’s, why not commit them to paper…then commit to action. You might even indulge yourself with a My Bucket List book to record your goals. Still easier said than done? Dr Alice Boyes, author of The Anxiety Toolkit recommends the following:

  1. Surround yourself with people who are actively pursuing their bucket list
  2. Make a list of goals you’d like to achieve this year
  3. Mix big and small goals, and include harder and easier variations
  4. Put a little time aside each week to work on your bucket list
  5. Let your bucket list reflect your own personality, quirks and interests

Oh and did I tell you, Sebastian has a website and app 100things where you can share your goals, communicate with each other and do things together. He also organises trips to help you achieve the more challenging – trip to the Antarctica anyone? Now go for it!

What’s on your bucket list? What are you most proud for accomplishing so far?

Bucket List

And no, I didn’t satisfy that #1 with my #72…not this time 🙂

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6 Comments on Let’s talk Bucket Lists baby

  1. Penny Howard
    October 5, 2015 at 2:45 pm (9 years ago)

    Nice blog – I am still here in Florence living my dream X

    • Jane
      October 5, 2015 at 3:39 pm (9 years ago)

      Thanks Penny! You are an inspiration and so loving your stories on Florence x

  2. Kevin Hobbs
    February 9, 2016 at 11:05 pm (9 years ago)

    Definitely can’t sing, know two languages and as for dancing!!!

    As for the other three, two out of three ain’t bad.

    Live life to the full, how is the list going?


    • Jane
      February 11, 2016 at 8:21 am (9 years ago)

      Love it! List going well Kevin, what about yours?

  3. Jane
    June 5, 2017 at 5:06 am (8 years ago)

    You interested me in bucket lists in 2015 and I am actually enjoying the results! Many thanks. Oh, just love the Puttanesca too!

    • Jane
      June 5, 2017 at 6:34 pm (8 years ago)

      Excellent! Thanks Jane and glad you liked the Puttanesca too. Just one extra ladle of pasta water into the mix to loosen it up and purrfect!


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