Well hello there lovely readers, how are you coping as the world continues to grapple with these extraordinary times? I’m loving the more relaxed pace of working from home and, when not hanging out with the silver fox, am perfectly comfortable with my own company. Not everyone feels the same. If you have a friend who might be struggling during these times, I’m resharing a post filled with handy ideas that may just lift his/her spirits. Some of them easy depending on the level of isolation, others to be popped in the back pocket, and delivered when restrictions ease. 

1 Create a Playlist

Some time ago a darling friend of mine lost her battle against cancer, but not before putting up an epic battle, supported by a compilation of songs ranging from angry kick-ass anthems to meaningful, laid-back ballads. Garnering suggestions from her friends, my little double CD (pre-Spotify) touched her in ways words couldn’t. Putting your thoughts into words is tough so why not say it with a meaningful song, or better yet, a thoughtful playlist? Easy to create on Spotify or your preferred music service and the link shared. It can be angry, cheerful, or nostalgic — whatever your bud needs to get her through a tough time.

2 Send a handwritten letter 

The art of physical writing has been making a big come back! If words come easily, why not select a batch of looseleaf paper or beautiful stationery and jot those thoughts down? The important thing is that it puts a smile on your friend’s face and lets her know you’re thinking of her.

3 Drop a “Flower Bomb”  
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