The end of a year, a propensity for pondering the next – let’s see now… a handsome rich lover? 60% pay rise? unlimited world travel? (a spot on the comedy circuit?) Yep! It’s time to revisit the bucket list. To tick off the year’s conquests (interior makeover, explore Croatia, celebrate pesky big 60 in Paris, nail social media branding expertise), and add more for the coming year (learn the Flute, conquer the French language, learn to write code).

It’s also time to think about a few simple lifestyle enhancements for the coming year; shared of course for that’s what the blog’s all about. Enhancing our lifestyles. Did a spot of sleuthing across the mags and bloggers and curated my top 10. This will be our year of ‘Be’s’…

  • Be radiant: Buy one new nourishing skin care product to combat long dehydrating summer months, refresh and rejuvenate – our complexions will thank us
  • Be bright: Book a rapid teeth whitening session with our dentist or invest in a whitening kit – bright white smiles strip years off our faces
  • Be bold: A new red lipstick – ever so french and perfect for setting off that gleaming smile – a Cosmetician to help select the right shade for our complexion of course
  • Be nourished: Shift the focus from weight and calories to health and nutrition – out with empty white carbs, in with nourishing, nutrient-dense real whole foods
  • Be energised: No such thing as ‘no time’. Make time for exercise, from simple 15 minutes quickies to something more substantial, our bodies will thank us

  • Be stimulated: Keep the brain active with apps like Lumosity for brain stimulation, Babble for languages, Ted Talks and Pod Casts for intellectual enhancement

  • Be money wise: Automate all payments from bills to credit cards – keep track of expenditure via simple little apps like Visual Budget – happy bank accounts
  • Be brave: Clear clutter. Just one drawer, one cupboard. Soon the whole house will feel so much bigger – charitable warm fuzzies all round when donating the surplus
  • Be organised: Grab an (electronic or physical) diary, colour block work hours, exercise time, family, fave TV programs chore time, add any reminders and…
  • Be ‘mindful’: TV, social media, family, work commitments, so much stimulus – block ‘me time’ out in that diary to meditate, enjoy the stillness or just ‘be’

Feel free to jump in and add a few of your own!

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