Ever had one of those emotionally overwhelming weeks where you vacillate between consuming an entire bottle of wine or sobbing down the phone to your Mum? This past week spent sadly farewelling a fallen comrade (post ‘Farewell Mon Capitaine’); reliving the loss of our beloved Telly; battling headaches and flu symptoms; a voice replaced with raspy gasps; a laptop refusing to function…the fountain of positivity positively drained. So what’s a girl to do?

Sup champagne with the Captain’s lovely wife, family and friends in celebration of a life lived to the fullest. Recall the very best of life spent with Telly. Gargle honey, lemon and Aspirin with a chaser of Codral Cold & Flu and make the most of that deep sexy voice. Light a scented candle, luxuriate in a good book. Visit the Apple store and invest in a new baby. Thank beloved laptop for her six years spent reliably and steadfastly documenting and sharing life and love, travels and book, photos and blog. She deserves it. Fountain slowly replenished, sails adjusted. Feeling better now…


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