It was only a very small meltdown, a very minor panic attack, seriously…

As per ‘List upon List’ post, a 6 month sojourn requires a strategy; and leasing one’s nest for the duration an insanity ticket! Well organised and loving a good list or five, I thought this would be a breeze…until my body said otherwise…

If you’re contemplating a short property lease the coming ‘countdown’ posts, complete with20130416-182421.jpghints ‘n tips, will appeal; written as I sip a cuppa, swallow pain killers, clutch my chest and forgive myself for that very public mini meltdown. I also congratulate myself on learning creative sign language, avoiding an ugly moment with an Italian rental botch, cleaning a disgusting BBQ (man’s work!) and managing to squeeze an entire house into a very small storage space, all within 2 weeks.

Curious? Follow my next few  posts and laugh…or cry…along with me.




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2 Comments on On mini meltdowns…

  1. Kym
    April 13, 2013 at 7:46 pm (12 years ago)

    Jane, we all have meltdowns – mini and otherwise. I hope among the lists and tasks you have the opportunity to enjoy the preparation and the lead-up to your amazing experience. I’d say these challenges will provide a source of giggles when you’re digging into exquisite food and sipping Italian wine in just a short while.

    • Jane
      April 13, 2013 at 8:09 pm (12 years ago)

      Thanks Kim, you’re absolutely right and thank goodness for fantastic fellow colleagues! One doing breathing exercises with me, another providing Chakra lessons, all rather amusing in hindsite. x


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