Loire Valley…Le Moulin des Charmes

A man with a sparkle in his eye and a wicked laugh greets us waving an enormous British flag…it’s his modus operandi for directing us to the elusive entrance of our first B&B and we love it! Damn but we needed a good laugh after experiencing our first day on the wrong side of the road and this vision is just the ticket! Brits v Froggie say what?

Turns out our man Noel is British, married to the lovely and very French Marina and both perfect hosts for those grappling with the language on their first day in France as was ours. It’s our first fabulous find, situated in Molineuf, midway between Blois and Ambrose in the Loire Valley where our hosts have been lovingly making over our B&B ‘Le Moulin des Charmes’ and what 20120206-220954.jpgan accomplishment! A converted manor and mill house surrounded by a pretty stream, necessary for the mill house’s original life, and the perfect backdrop for swans, geese and two very much loved Labradors.

Quaint, quirky, comfy, this little B&B is also the perfect launching pad for exploring the many Chateaus in the region but not before you get to acquaint with Noel and Marina and revel in a little stimulating conversation and a fascinating life history over an icy G&T or two by the stream…the perfect way to unwind, immerse oneself in the local culture and become acquainted with the region…sigh!








And they do a fantastic breakfast too!!Find this B&B at http://www.moulindeloire.com

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Aix en Provence…La Maison de Carlotta

Aix en Provence, slap dab in the Provence-Méditerranée region, plays host to an excessive proportion of incredibly attractive, insouciant young people thanks to it’s Universities and thus requires a discreet vantage point for people gazing. Our aim is to do exactly that, preferably with a nice robust red (damn the wine is cheap in this country!) in hand, but not before hitting the markets and giving in to salad stuffed Baguettes, little baskets of the juiciest lush strawberries and a very big squishy Mille Fuille treat for Roscoe.

20120131-191243.jpgBut I digress! Continuing on my ‘fabulous finds – Apartements, Maisons, Villas etc’ theme, let me tell you about the delightful Maison de Carlotta situated just a skip and jump from the thriving heart of Aix en Provence.

On the narrow rue Frédéric Mistral requiring single file walking and necessity to store the car several blocks away, we find a door in a wall, buzz and are warmly welcomed by our host, the lovely Arlene then led up a serious amount of stairs to her Salon where she provides a delightfully French laced English orientation.

A coffee table piled high with art books, magnificent white baby grand piano, plump furnishings, gauzy curtains wafting in the gentle breeze, soothing concerto playing, a jug of fresh squeezed juice, crystal glasses…this is French Provincial decorating at its best! Massive sigh!20120131-191218.jpg

Tearing ourselves away and up yet another two levels to our Maison we see Arlene’s delicate touches everywhere…a simple lace throw posing as a curtain shroud, fat tassels adorning cupboards, linen swags shielding the enormous skylight…I can hardly wait to pull them back to view the stars at nightfall. This time collective sighs! Now…where’s that robust red and a lovely little street bar with excellent vantage? The beautiful people are waiting to bask in our admiration.




La Maison de Carlotta 9, rue Frédéric Mistral 13100 AIX-EN-PROVENCE France http://www.lamaisondecarlotta.com

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Bordeaux…the Chateau de Mirambeau

Continuing on the theme of fabulous Chateau, Apartement, Maison, Villa finds…this is one splendid Chateau!

Situated between Bordeaux and Cognac and set amid a lush, beautifully manicured park sits the Chateau de Miriambeau, a Renaissance Castle dating back to the late Romanesque period, formerly an aristocratic residence, since transformed into a luxury hotel. It’s Rossy’s choice on our 2011 journey and rather a grand one indeed!

Upon arrival we are ushered into the Salon to sip welcomed icy drinks, nibble Petits Fours and address paperwork while admiring the rich tapestries and silk brocades; fitting backdrops for the statuettes, candelabra and busts jostling for attention beneath a magnificent crystal chandelier. Passports authenticated and it’s off to our Chambres.

20120130-203246.jpgOur feigned nonchalance quickly turns to discreet awe as we stroke the furnishings, marvel at the tailor made wallpaper emulating sheer lace drapes, examine pristine white bathrooms and exhaust our cameras capturing the exquisite details before finally settling in to our respective abodes…mine has a red theme, my friends a rich buttery yellow…to appreciate small trays bearing more sweet treats, red roses and a personal welcome letter from our host.

Dinner demands dressing up and descending to the terrace to sip champagne and admire the gardens before indulging in a degustation menu of impressive proportions (can’t help feeling the  Chef worshipped at the alter of the famous El Bulli) in the elegantly appointed dining suite…after which we wander back up the sweeping staircase while rubbing our sated tums to our respective Chambers whispering ‘One could become quite used to this couldn’t one darling?’ Oh yes indeed!











The Chateau de Mirambeau is one of the Relais & Chateaux owned by Baglioni Hotels

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