Fabulous Finds…a haven in Paris

Following my introductory blog on fabulous accommodation finds, seems only right to start with the most beautiful city of all…the city of lights…Paris. My love affair with this magnificant city demands regular returns, most recently with friends Ross and Jenny, the latter responsible for finding us this little accommodation gem.

Situated in St-Germaine-des-Pres, this ‘Apartement’ is on Boulevard St Germaine and right in the heart of the action, the region positively pumping with gorgeous little cafes, restaurants, boulangeries, patisseries and fromageries each nestled between antique markets, funky fashion boutiques and organic food markets and within easy walking distance to central Paris, Notre Dame, Musee d’Orsay and Delacroix, the lush Jardins du Luxembourg to name just a few of the many treasures around the 6th and surrounding arrondissements.

Oh! And those markets! Picture yourself feasting on a crisp baguette, creamy cheese washed down with a crisp white, or nibbling tenderly steamed plump white asparagus spears, slurping juicy tomatoes or supping freshly shucked oysters? Well you can, ‘cos that’s what apartment life versus hotels affords.

We are met by our English speaking Greeter bearing an enormous bunch of Peonies and bottle of wine and fell in love with the place as she introduced us to it’s beautifully appointed luxury before discreetly departing to leave us to oh and ah at a fully stocked pantry, piles of fluffy white towels and oh so soft beds while singing along to our in house Bose docked iPod. Delicieux! A note of caution… 70 plus stairs, no lifts! Great exercise I say!

St Germaine Luxe:









To find this and similar apartments in the slightly more luxurious budget category go to: Haven in Paris

And if your as in love with this city as much as I am you will relish Carla Coulson’s work: Carla Loves Photography follow her blog, Pinterest and all scial media forums for a regular dose of Paris inspiration. Enjoy!

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Fabulous Finds – Chateaus…Apartements…Maisons…Villas…,

New Year Resolutions…love ’em! Mine always involve another opportunity to explore some part of the world as budget allows. Do you have travel in your sights too?

As we blogged our 2011 travels around France and Italy (archives May-June) so many of you commented on the quality of our fabulous accommodation and those of you planning a similar journey have since been asking for details.

Thanks to our trip coordinator extraordinaire and travelling companion…the beautiful Jenny (Fifi), our journey became so much more than just sightseeing…and eating…and drinking. Carefully researched, selected and booked in advance, Jenny ensured we placed weary heads on feathered pillows in digs that were beautifully appointed, close to the action, just a little bit special, often quite unique yet still within mid range budget. I’m still telling her she should make a career out of this!

With your queries in mind and drawing from our archived details, January’s blogging will be devoted to sharing best of the best.

Looking forward to hearing your comments (click on comments below post), please share your own faves too, if you agree with mine feel free to FB Like/Share.

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