Finding Moo’s inner well of courage…friend on a mission!

So many of my favorite people have been diagnosed with various forms of cancer recently…some in the midst of battle, some in nervous remission, others rejoicing in a long term clean bill of health…all fighting or having fought the good fight against this insidious creature.

A dear friend who has been gallantly fighting her own battle has just been delivered new, disarming news requiring her to draw deeply on yet another of her inner wells of reserve. She is strong, brave and absolutely determined to grow old with her babies and doting husband. I know that she draws inspiration and courage from kick ass, uplifting songs…all types of fabulous ‘go feck yourself’ pieces of music. My mission is to build a compilation of the best of the best.

Help me help my friend Moo fight the fight. My mission? To build Moo a playlist she can plug her iPod earphones into…sing along to, scream at, draw inspiration from or lull herself to sleep by.

All who are receiving my blog feeds and anyone finding my blog when searching for their own personal inspirations….please post me some of your personal faves?

Thank you in anticipation fellow supporters of survivors on a mission. Love u Moo…we will conquer! Oh yes we will! ♥

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And Adelaide’s intriguing critters…

The perfect crisp clear day to explore further afield around this interesting city, starting with a stroll along the lush green curbed river to the Zoo…or more precisely the Pandas…huge cuddly pandas.

20110619-054511.jpgWang Wang and Funi are cute and chubby in a lazy kinda way…equally the petite red Pandas dozing in their warm bamboo sunshine. We sigh in awe, photograph from every angle then mosey on to Pixi’s beloved Meerkats intent on simultaneously sunning their tummies, digging a new 15 bedroom underground mansion and keeping watch for the next food delivery, followed by Brazilian Tapir, Peccary and Dusky Langur…

20110619-054637.jpgIt’s starting to rain…a perfect reason to divert intentions to equally intriguing creatures, this time in the form of Patricia Piccinini’s ‘Once upon a time…’ exhibit at the Art Gallery of South Australia…

She doesn’t disappoint, a fascinating feast of contemporary, hauntingly real sculptures of grotesque yet adorable hybrid animals and seductively beautiful, loved up shiny motorcycles…Pixie’s in raptures, Elmo’s amazed and the classic work of local and national artists doesn’t disappoint either for we have happened upon the newly opened restored Elder Wing of Australian Art…sigh!

It has indeed been a day full of interesting critters…thank you Adelaide for inspiring and surprising…









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Loving Adelaide’s vibe…

Explore, explore, foot sore, weary, Elmo* and Pixi yearn for a pub and ale and a little lie20110619-041201.jpg down…but wait! Too much to do and see within a short weekend. First up a brisk walk to ‘Bark in the Park’…a doggy morning hosted by Stevie Jacobs (wee weather guy) where Shih Tzu rub shoulders with Alsatians…or rather take a keen interest in each other’s pants while attempting to wriggle out of their cute woolie jackets lovingly selected by doting owners, while others examine the obstacle course and weigh up the worth…treat for completing or dignity for not?

20110619-042631.jpgNext stop the High Street…top of Rundle actually…oozing hip boutiques and coffee houses, the evening will find the same street buzzing with Restaurant/bar trawlers. A dawdle down to the Mall…tacky shops, quick exit past interesting architecture unique to the region, Cathedrals and lush parkland surrounding lakes adorned with ducks and on to the Markets.

20110619-041130.jpgLargest in southern hemisphere, we absorb the hustle of fish mongers jostling with spruiking
butchers and organic vege growers, breathe the aroma of Chinese herbs mingling with hot roasted nuts, marvel at whole truffles nestled in waxy paper beds, glistening coffee beans, bags of black eyed peas and orange lentils, rich Haigh’s chocolate nests…a visual, sensory and cultural feast for the senses. Pixie yearns for the lush bunches of flowers that populated the French markets but quickly finds solace in a box of exquisite rosy blushed miniature pears.

An afternoon trawling pub cider on tap, Pixie’s fave, a pint of local for Elmo, Crocodile Thai nosh…tasty! and home to nurse those weary feet.

*Elmo Briatore Spiderfoot – Brettles – photographer extraordinaire





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