An hour’s chartered flight to the remote regions of South Australia following an early, early start requiring the warmest woolies, the coolest beanies and affording the most magnificent sunrise viewed while quietly slipping across the desert plains toward the Flinders ranges.
A discreet rock star moment as we board our private jet yet fully cognizant of the brevity of the work we will be undertaking today. Touch down as disgruntled kangaroos skitter and rabbits raise wary ears before returning to business…nothing of concern…just another arrival in this, ruggedly remote patch of our ‘wide brown land’.
End of day, work completed, a tour around the site, a fascinating business with intense consideration for minimizing environmental impact providing ethical solace for the product being harvested here. Embracing a crisp, clean night air we return weary and hungry to the mess consume half our body weight in good old home grown tucker before turning in.
Early rise next day to view a spectacular moon eclipse before dawn amidst burly men chortles. I’ve been caught out with feet encased in my rabbit lined gloves – it’s minus 3 and I’ve neglected to pack socks!
As we wing our way home we reflect on 5,500k worth of France, Italy, Switzerland and a touch of Britain, 17 beautifully appointed, quaint lodgings, countless incredible vistas…ah! Has indeed been a huge six weeks…
Fun and laughter, giggles and snorts, headaches and sore feet, aching backs and tears. So many happy tears – over candles lit for passed ones, breathtaking sights, historical tragedies, frustration with hotel communication breakdowns…and those special tears, you know the ones you have from laughing too hard?…just before wetting your pants?…
Quirky situations – a shower recess so small that dropping soap meant poking ones butt out the door to retrieve, another resembling a space capsule that washed places you hadn’t thought shower nozzles were designed for, a loo in a cupboard, another under the sink, opera singing dogs, steps so steep ascent demanding all fours, a wonderful host waving an enormous British flag to herald the entrance, a delicate lace doily serving as a curtain.
Touching memories such as the dear little French man who happily assisted with automatic petrol pumps and an unexpected health emergency, private tour guides who went way beyond expectation, wait staff with wry senses of humour, Dicky stepping up with the most beautiful gestures…just when he was due a fork stab in the eye.
Breathtaking moments – the immediacy of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Eiffel Tower suddenly bursting into sparkles, sleeping in a Medieval tower, viewing a magnificent panorama from a roof top attic, a woodpecker tapping on our windows, the sheer brilliance of Pompeii’s origins.
Scary moments – streets so narrow, folding the car mirrors in a must; a maniac Italian reversing at 40k, swerving to avoid those behind simply to stop and chat with a parked friend, oblivious to building traffic mayhem.
So many memorable imprints fueling inspiration and desire to plan the next journey…
Thank you for coming along with us, for your comments and for your encouragement…we hope you’ve enjoyed the journey!
Fifi (Jenny), Pixi (Jane), Dicky (Ross)
A fond farewell from Cast and Crew:
• Richard (Dicky) Seville Lyons the III – Intrepid, fearless driver
• Fifi de Murgatroid Lyons – Lodgings extraordinaire
• Giovanni (Ducky) de la Rhodes – Tour guide champion
• Donnutella (Bella) de la Rhodes – Fresh Produce specialist and
• Penelope (Pixie) Bogsworth Winterbottom – Blog Queen
Honorable mention to:
• Rupert Smythe Farquharson and Hortense Higginbottom Farquharson – my gracious and graceful hosts in Cambridge.
Singapore…clean, serene, green…and steaming. But that’s exactly what we expect as we settle into air-conditioned luxury at the Ritz Carlton, a Dicky choice due to the privileges the private lounge affords…all day grazing in sublime surroundings.
The spectacular vista includes the amazing sculpture that is the Marina Bay Sands, Pixies choice but lacking that private lounge. The Lotus, Casino, the armadillo like esplanade theatre, Helix Bridge, the Merlion, the Singapore Flyer taller than London’s eye, and a harbor full of massive containers waiting to purge.
Having spent the past six weeks in Europe, we seek familiarity with the old by heading straight for the iconic Raffles Hotel where we sidle up to the iconic bar and sip the iconic Singapore Sling…well actually we don’t for the drink is somewhat overrated, instead settling for a most magnificent Bloody Mary …or perhaps it’s again the atmosphere?
A swim, Pina Coladas, Champagne and tiny delectable morsels of all things Asian followed by a deep luxurious bubble bath. The lights of the harbor below twinkle through the huge hexagonal window beside my bath. The perfect transition to a deep, slightly jet lagged sleep in my big snuggly bed. Good night.