Saying goodbye to Italy…

Twelve days can’t really do justice to the wealth of experiences Italy has to offer…but we’ve had a blast attempting to. Pisa, Florence, the Tuscan region; Rome, Pompeii, Sorrento and Positano, the Umbrian region, Venice, Lake Como…and just when we’ve grasped the basics of the language…enough to order our drinks, a rough smattering of platitudes, apologies and a healthy dose of abusive road language…over the border again tomorrow, passports at the ready.

20110524-075230.jpgDicky has become the Gordon Ramsay of the Italian highway; Ducky never, ever wants to drive cliff side again…he holds up the traffic doing 20 km around those cliffs you see, and he’s not fond of the impatient drivers tooting, flashing their lights and signaling abuse behind him. Bella, Fifi and Pixi have each perfected the semi silent scream, discreet white knuckling and grabbing just the right amount of change from the car kitty within seconds for the endless tolls. Driving Italian roads is definitely not for the faint of heart.

There have been defeats too. Crossing the restaurant language barrier sufficiently to ensure20110524-075508.jpgfirst courses arrive before second and not all at once; never to change your mind for the original dish will always turn up…or nothing at all; never to expect butter…or plates, salt or ground pepper…but a great deal of bread (a symbol of welcome) and always a very, very large bottle of olive oil, along with ‘gas’ or ‘non gas’ water. Ordering a liqueur coffee is definately worth it though… just to watch the look of incredulity cross their faces.

Ducky and Bella leave us now as we cross to Switzerland then on to Paris and they to Milano, AbuDhabi and home. Dicky is remorseful…his drinking buddy and partner in crime is leaving and he’s now solo with Pixi and Fifi and their endless verbal diarrhoea…

Oh! And as for that Mediterranean diet? It’s a myth…

Private boat picnic – Portofino 20110524-075317.jpg

‘Yes of course you may share our desserts rather than select your own dearest’ – Sorrento20110524-081834.jpg

Fifi and Dicky at the Trevi Fountain – Rome
20110524-075713.jpgWe always were trend setters huh Fifi? – Monterosso – Cinque Terra20110524-075729.jpg

Exploring Pompeii20110524-075748.jpg

Fifi and Donutella – Florence20110524-075811.jpg

The gang on the Spanish Steps – Rome

Cruising the harbor – Portofino20110524-075929.jpg

Papparazzi poses – Monterosso – Cinque Terra20110524-075230.jpg

Man of few words is Dicky –  Bellagio – Lake Como 20110524-075959.jpg
20110524-080044.jpgFarewell wayward travelers – enjoy the next leg of your journey – Lake Como

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Officially dying and going to heaven…

Having consumed half our body weight in the creamiest Risotto, lamb racks and fish followed by the smoothest Brûlée, a rich berry mousse and all washed down with a lovely white or two from the local region…thanks to the administrations of Fabrizio our waiter in a delightful little restaurant overlooking Lake Como…it’s declared official. We’ve died and gone to heaven!

20110523-062414.jpgStarted the day gazing at the sun glistening on the lake over fresh juice, eggs and pastries before boarding the quite delectable Marco’s boat…Fifi and Pixie think he may be Ducky’s gift to Bella for it’s her birthday tomorrow. Our gorgeous captain who will cruise us up to Como, down to Bellagio then over to Crotto dei Platani our lakeside restaurant where, surrounded by 1,200 meter high mountains, a spectacular view of the snow tipped Italian alps in the distance and the Swis20110523-063940.jpgs alps behind us, we will celebrate…Happy birthday Bella!

20110523-063809.jpgWe get the gos on celebs. George isn’t home. A ‘serious’ chap, Matt Damon a ‘funny’, Julia Roberts ‘crazy’, Jennifer Anniston and Angelina Jolie both in town at the same time? ‘awkward’, Brad’s kids? ‘too much’…

Also viewed Versace’s residence, the Opus Dei territory (re Da Vinci code) and the church where Mussolini was shot. As well, the Cardinal’s home where Padma and Anakin (Star Wars Episode II) marry, Bond annihilates his nemesis (Casino Royale) and w

20110523-063548.jpghere so many film segments have been shot we immerse in a major deja vu moment.

Richard Branson also has local digs, accessible only via water, beautifully manicured and we thought owning Necker Island and a spot of Noosa was pretty cool!


Spend the remains of the day digesting in the sun by the pool, napping, having massages and swearing we can’t possibly eat dinner tonight for we are way too full…when suddenly Ducky cries out…hey! it’s already 5pm…we need to start planning dinner! Dicky busts his chair in his rush to assume the vertical position…












We also toast Kent. He died this day – 23rd May, 2007. Enjoying the big seas dear friend.



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Stalking George in Lake Como…

Sitting by a pool on the shores of Lake Como, sipping bubbles…as you do…absorbing the steep majestic mountains edging the long yet narrow deep green waters resplendent with small Yachts, water-skiers and a cautious duck or two and enjoying post rain shower fresh mountain air. The view is quite surreal and we’re all pinching ourselves!20110523-084335.jpg

Another splendid contrast. So far we’ve traversed the water highways and numerous little Venizian bridges, resided in medieval castles and climbed perilously steep cliff hugging steps on the Amalfi Coast; we’ve sailed across the Mediterranean, tip-toed across Pompeii’s ancient remains, leant against the ridiculously leaning Tower of Pisa, thrown coins in the Trevi Fountain and shuddered in deep, dark Catacombs.

We’ve gasped at rolling lush green pastures, mountains and valleys, stared incredulously at tiny homes attached to cliff sides, giggled at our concerted efforts and appalling command on the language, lit small candles in cathedrals in honour of our loved ones. We’ve also relived each day through choosing photos for this blog, effectively imprinting such experiences for future ruminating.

20110523-084343.jpgNow to explore this beautiful part of Italy, our last brush with the craziness of Italian drivers, the passion of the people, the food…oh the food!

As for stalking George Clooney? Admit we girls wouldn’t be adverse to a little innocent flirtation and after the near miss with Pierce Brosnan, celebrity radars are on full alert!

A stroll down to dine by the water side and watch twilight cast it’s spell as the water turns to indigo, enhancing the twinkling lights on the far shore that compete with the millions of fairy lights dripping from the branches above…inciting us to linger just a little longer…just enough time to imprint this new delightful memory…





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