And getting lost in Venice…

Ducky’s desire to absorb the city’s history requires a cruise through the busy canals in a sexily sleek timber number. Suave, sophisticated, our snappy guide Johnno provides a running dialog extolling the virtues of the most impressive buildings, the wonders of Baroque architecture punctuated with enticing anecdotes on the city’s origins and initial business dealings, supported by a raft of interesting stats…

Now did you know that over 400 Gondolas jostle for supremacy, women just this year were granted approval to be Gondoliers, the buildings are founded on wood, soil and sand, there are 117 islands, 499 bridges…and… by days end we’ve personally, unintentionally traversed every single one of ’em!20110522-084432.jpg

Following the cruise we guess our way through the twists and turns of canals and busy alley ways to view the Santa Maria Della Salute cathedral only to find it doesn’t open for several hours…a perfectly good reason to substitute with a shop trawl while Pixie wanders the Peggy Guggenheim art gallery.

Dawdling our own way through markets filled with masks, Murano trinkets, striped gondolier shirts and more, Pix finds a stall selling cups of cool fresh berries and pineapple chunks topped with crisp Coconut chunks on ice, selects then sits awhile on the Pont de Rialto to watch the Venetian world go by…well the tourists actually…

And that’s when the fun started! Following in the footsteps of a myriad of fellow tourists we eventually make it home footsore and weary clutching maps ragged through extensive and anguished overuse and reward ourselves with the customary G&T. A robust pasta nosh followed by one last wistful view of the soft twilight, sleek, shiny black Gondolas and the calming aqua water…we realise we have indeed fallen in love for she is a most spectacularly intriguing city.





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Cruising Venezian canals…

The sun sparkles brilliantly on the bay as our boat pilot deftly navigates the water streets through traffic moving people, food, crates of stuff, cars, cement mixers and such, on to the Murano factory where we observe glass blowers in action before succumbing to hard sell…Ducky gives in, his booty to be made to order and shipped.


20110521-083627.jpg20110521-083729.jpgFinally escape back to our cruiser and on to a waterside restaurant overlooking the Gondolas at the San Marco Vallaresso and the Campo Abbazia…a rather impressive Church just like the rather overpriced menu…but absolutely worth every Euro.

The lighting is soft, the water clean and a beautiful shade of aqua, the buildings proudly displaying worn and faded yet regal and quite majestic facades in soft patinas made even more intriguing by the moss growing on their skirting…the bridges don’t disappoint either…a simply stunning photographic moment captured on the Pont Rialto.

A wander through Chanel, Hermes, Sergio Rossi, Pucci, Balenciaga lined streets and home,20110521-083711.jpg later to take an evening ride through the canals. It’s rather cramped for five in our Gondola, a deft balancing act managed well by our punter Stefano who uses elbows and feet to buffer our passage through the narrow canals, at the same time serenading us with some zesty ‘O Sole Mia’ Italian opera that would do Pavarotti proud.

Its a refreshing change as we’ve been singing ‘When the Moon Hits Your Eye Like a Big Pizza Pie’ over and over to the point where Ducky feels obliged to buy Dean Martin’s best so that we can learn the next lines. Almost down pat however we’ll need to dust off our best Edith Piaf again soon…or maybe Air or Phoenix for Paris is drawing ever closer. Sigh!







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Romancing in Venice…

Ahhh Venice. Founded on water, slowly sinking, a myriad of bridges, Gondolas, narrow watery canals and a whole lot of robust hustle.

Finding our way from the exterior carports dragging luggage onto crowded water buses then off at the appropriate stop is a feat worthy of G&T fortification. Equivalent20110521-083341.jpg to a gin martini with ‘drive by’ tonic we are giggling within minutes in the majestic Hotel Palazzo Giovanni. In celebration of our Fifi’s milestone birthday, Ducky surprises her with a pre planned upgrade to an exclusive suite where Murano Chandeliers delight and luxury abounds. A further Gin Martini over restaurant choices before Ducky finally exercises authority and insists on a Chinese nosh. The guru of this gastronomic pleasure and one must bow to the professional.

The picture doesn’t fit for obvious reasons but the restaurant surprises with the best we’ve
ever tasted…the crispy beef a particular pleasure (Bellsies you would have been in raptures) and all washed down with a lovely little Pinot Grigio.

20110521-083321.jpgOn every corner couples earnestly argue over maps in an effort to find their way home through narrow winding alleys and over the many bridges.

We readily find ours digs thanks to the girls’ visual recollections of Murano glassware, chocolate, nougat, Venetian mask and Italian leather stores…much to the chagrin of Dicky and Ducky for navigating is ‘man work’. So much to see, taste, sensate, the senses in overload we retire to rest, tomorrow will be a big day requiring fortitude and strong leather soles…oh! Italian shoes! Want. Need. Have to have!







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