Dicky and Ducky take well deserved ‘man time’ on a Golf Course while Fifi, Bella and Pixi take well deserved retail therapy in Florence. As our villa is in country Tuscany, we take a 50 minute train in then jump on the big red get on-off bus to absorb the soft atmospheric palette and gentle majesty of this beautiful city.
Home of Leonardo da Vinci, Dante, Brunelleschi to name a few, the Statue of David, the Uffiziand the incredibly enormous, multi marble Duomo cathedral dominating the centre…and not to forget the famous Ponte Vecchio over the River Arno, home of little overpriced jewelry shops which of course we can’t resist trawling…followed by the leather markets.
A €7 cup of tea…tis a tourist trap after all…then on the train home to regroup, share room service and sigh… exhausted and satisfied with the day’s haul of little gifts, cheap handbags and Bella’s lovely piece of bling.
A big day tomorrow…navigating into the very busy Rome for our next adventure.