A day in Provence…

What a gorgeous place is this? Jenny’s bespoke travel agenda continues to enthrall. We’ve squeezed Poppy car through impossibly tight cobbled streets and into the tiniest car park where, rather than drag suitcases to our abode for the next two days, a quick transfer of essentials to overnight bags…same clothes tomorrow – the Parisian uniform of jeans and a T, leather jacket and red lippy fits suits the austerity.20110507-054214.jpg

The Pont du Gard Aqueduct, outside Nimes thrills. Incredible engineering considering the Aqueduct was built in 50AD within 5 short years! Amazing chaps those Romans! A quick ‘drive by’ to admire the walled city in Avignon and on to the quaint Aix en Provence. Our B&B digs are at the top of 59 steps in the delightfully appointed Maison de Carlotta, a mere stones throw from the heart of the atmospheric village. Our hostess the lovely Arlene has made us most welcome, furnished us with a robust agenda and we are determined to satisfy.

20110507-054224.jpgOnce settled, Fifi and I canvassed the local culture then settled into a corner bar to sip €2.50 vin rouge and indulge in a spot of people perving while Dicky napped. The exhaustion of navigating our way through the complexity of foreign signed highways, roads and skinny streets taking their toll.

We concur…the women are incredibly stylish – jeans, platforms, fitted leather jackets, slender and exuding a sense of ‘joie de vivre’…often on the arm of equally elegant males…we favor the more rugged but damn these guys make great eye candy!

Finish the day dining Italian, the best steak, saltimbocca and a rustic salmon pasta…




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Contemplating in Demeure Saint Lewis…

Sitting in a relaxing bubble bath, contemplating the beauty of the french language and playing with the Chaud and Froid taps with my toes while determining whether the bathr20110507-051915.jpgoom decor could be classed French ProvinciaI, I realize there’s extra flesh protruding. Necessitating immediate mental note to pull the reins in? This could be challenging as I’ve just eaten the best meal yet at Auberge des Lices.

Tucked down one of the narrow alley ways that meander through Carcassone’s medieval fortress Auberge des Lices offers temptations including rich tomato mousse in jars accompanied with delicate salted wafers, tenter chicken breasts nestled in rich cognac sauce; the food excellent, service disinterested, the fortress rather ho hum for it’s hard to remove Sarlat’s uniqueness from the race.

20110507-051752.jpgWell deserved too after a long day exploring Chateau Feodal de Beynac, a castle originating in 1453 and where Joan of Arc was filmed. The view from here is absolutely breathtaking. Lost for words, we simply stare in awe. A ‘very’ scenic drive to Carcassone via Domme, as the Garman continues to confuse us and now secure in the quite magnificent Demeure Saint Lewis, our B&B for this evening.

Must say, Dicky has been the most marvelous driver, Fifi the ‘back seat in the front seat’ back up to silly Garmin woman, Poppy, our Peugeot… ‘carriage de magnificent’.






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Look kids! Another Chateau…

So ok…our B&B ‘La Lanterne’ in Sarlat doesn’t quite match up to the Castle we’ve20110507-103914.jpg reluctantly vacated in Mirambeau…but the lovely bottle of vin Rouge that’s fueled our giggly stagger back up through the tiny curved, cobbled and oh so quaint alleyways to our B&B, accompanied by a pretty impressive Quasi Modo knock off as the bells ring in the nearby church…more than makes up for the shortfall.

Started the day with a lovely drive down to Saint-Emilion, home of over 38 world heritage listed wineries, bordering on the Dordogne…all scattered amongst ancient architecture and into Sarlat, magnificent, centuries old fortress.

20110507-104253.jpgA steep and narrow cobbled street leads us to Le Lantern hidden behind a rustic wooden door leading into a quaint ivy shrouded courtyard. After meeting our hosts, their dogs Frodo and Phoebe (Frodo sings opera, has a spot on YouTube), throw the kit into our rooms, throw a robust red down our throats then head down into the village to feast.

Charming and atmospheric, it’s walls shrouded with roses and ivy and each abode jumbled atop another, Sarlat is the home of Fois Gras and you can eat anything as long as it’s canard…

20110507-063712.jpgNext morning we explore Chateau Puymartin, the engineering of its steep stacked stone roof of particular interest. Moving on we explore rock grottos where dwellers have carved homes into the sandstone cliffs.

The Dordogue -Perigourd region is full of Chateaus and Grottos, making for thirsty work and sated with a picnic lunch by the river Montignac.  Panne and Fois Gras, Mumm 2002 vintage Champagne, (so reasonably priced in this neck of the woods) and we’re back in the swing.



Returning to Sarlat, Pixi and Fifi wander back to the square, immerse ourselves in the  to sip cocktails and bask in the warmth of the late afternoon sun and contemplate restaurants, so many to choose from, so much canard. Would kill for a steak!






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