Three weeks and counting…

Three business flights, three weeks snuffling through a flu that makes me sound like a 70 year old battling a 70 ciggie a day habit, three weeks stumbling around Blog technology and now, just three weeks before I join travel companions Jenny and Ross in Sydney in preparation for our departure for London…and am I on track? Hmmm…

Passport renewed, International Drivers Licence in hand, iPad blog in action, packing checklist drafted, that cute pale caramel DL trench coat purchased. Oh! And did I mention that fabulous tote bag, perfect for traveling, colour that goes with everything? And divine little leopard print ballet flats and that dreamy creamy scarf that ties my Chic, black and oh so French ensemble together? Travel ‘uniform’ almost complete.

Money tree harvested? Ummm…



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Seven weeks and counting…

Of all the times to grant Arthur my beloved Butler a leave pass! Departure date 25th April looming and who will pack my bag and sort my travel arrangements? Who will call ahead regarding my inroom demands? Take care of that pesky tipping business? Escort me through the great unwashed to my flight departure lounge? Pour my bubbles, stroke my brow?

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