How I love an organized little spot to get the creative juices flowing, pay the bills, contemplate, dream. Love to keep my office desk clear, clutter free, same at home. If working from home, even more critical.

A story board for depicting places to visit or inspirational ideas for interior decorating, fab fashion finds or simply visualised goal outcomes providing inspiration to turn ‘one day’ to reality.

Cute boxes for storing all those office bits and bobs.  I use mine to store ribbon, wrapping and gift cards, printer paper, photography stuff, all those electronic cords that mysteriously multiply when left to their own devices, iPhone and camera bits and so on.

A simple filing system for bills and receipts to stay well ahead at tax time.  I personally love Kikki K folders for bills, receipts, manuals,  ‘grab and go’ critical documents and financial plannning. My next mission….scan, store in cloud and go paperless…bliss!

Look out for my Let’s Get Organised – Top 10′ post coming shortly, meanwhile, a few visuals to get you started…notice the one constant? Clean surfaces!










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1 Comment on Personalise that work space

  1. Carla Coulson
    November 14, 2012 at 8:00 pm (12 years ago)

    I am in such a desperate need for a work space makeover Jane , I have saved a couple of these pics to go in my file!
    thank you always looking for inspiration.
    Carla x


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