Hey there lovelies, switching it up a bit by throwing another fave recipe in. Poached Saffron Pears. Ready to wow your guests with a snazzy, simple, plate-up appealing dessert that ticks the impressive yet refreshing button? This dessert is my ‘go to’ when pushed for time, when needing something light after a heavy-duty main or fresh in keeping with a crisp summer salad. Both pretty and simple to do, what’s not to like?

Let me know what you think by dropping a line in the comments 🙂


  • 4 firm Conference or Beurre Bosc pears
  • 100 grams castor sugar
  • 1 vanilla bean split
  • 2 star anise
  • I cinnamon quill
  • saffron threads, a generous pinch
  • unwaxed lemon finely grated zest
  • unwaxed lemon, juiced
  • clotted cream (or mascarpone) to serve


  • Peel pears leaving stalks intact. Cut a thin slice from the base of each so that the pear sits upright
  •  Put the sugar, 1 litre of water, the star anise, cinnamon quill, saffron and lemon zest in a saucepan big enough to hold the pears
  • Heat gently until sugar dissolves, then bring to boil
  • Add the pears, reduce heat and poach at a gentle simmer for one hour or until tender to the point of a knife
  • Remove pears from poaching liquid, lie them flat in a deep dish, that can hold both the pears and syrup
  • Return liquid to the boil, bubble for 10 mins or until liquid is reduced and syrupy
  • Squeeze over the lemon juice and strain syrup evenly over the pears
  • When ready to serve, stand pears upright and spoon over the syrup


  • Present in an upright cluster on a cake pedestal or Turkish plate (for extra va va voom)
  • Plate up and serve with dollops of clotted cream or mascarpone
  • Receive accolades with humble panache

(Recipe based on Reza Mahammad’s version from ‘Resz’s Indian Spice’)

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2 Comments on Pretty Little Poached Saffron Pears

  1. Robyn Smith
    September 9, 2018 at 11:10 am (7 years ago)

    Thank you Jane. Will definitely try this recipe. Delicious! Rx🎈🇮🇹

    • Jane
      September 9, 2018 at 2:48 pm (7 years ago)

      Thanks Robbie! It’s always a winner x


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