Worn the soles off shoes, the limited winter woolies off backs and the smile off Fifi. She needs a warmer jacket STAT. Pix is tiring of her black puffer, black knits, black jeans. She needs red jeans STAT! Shops first, but not before we share the last couple of days…

Proud to say we’ve totally mastered the Metro now! Jumped off at Père Lachaise to view Jim Morrison’s grave – a pile of curious tributes atop, and a sad chap weeping as he took photos, for him it appears the legend lives on. Climbed to the top of the Cemetery to view Edith Piaf’s too and a number of other noted individuals along the way.


20130524-094636.jpgFollowed this with metro ride to the Basilique du Sacré-Cœur. Man that’s a lot of stairs! Discovered a Vernicular after we got to the top. Having admired the Basilique’s brilliant white from afar and now, four visits to Paris later, finally viewed at close quarters. Interior underwhelming but admit to being smitten by the modernity of the Sacre Familia back in Barcelona.





Wrap the day by joining the two D’s for a wine bar rest stop followed by a nosh including Steak Tartare in a cute little eatery. Couldn’t stop grinning at the thought of Mr Bean skit where Bean realises its raw meat and proceeds to hide forks full under table settings rather than admit he doesn’t like it. I do, but not an entire side of cow worth, the meals are rather large here. Finished off with a Creme Brûlée which we all concluded was absolutely splendid.

Five am rise for Mont San Michel tomorrow…gak!

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