Hello, lovely readers – first up, how are you? Safe and well and settling into this new self-isolating way of life? My heart is with you all.

Like most of you, I’m now working from home, currently from the dining table of the lovely Silver-Fox’s apartment on the coast. Surrounded by work-related detritus, headphones in; my work pivoting to 100% virtual delivery within weeks of the COVID-19 alert. Semi-retired, the poor man feels the need to vacate his own home to give me video conferencing privacy. This is the new norm. Similar stories the world over as we settle into partner, children, pet co-oping.

Until recently, I had been observing how humanity went about managing the physical, mental and emotional elements of social isolation with relative dispassion. No kids or pets to consider, comfortable with my own company, healthy, cared for, life looking easy compared to so many out there battling the ramifications of the pandemic. Then last Sunday I awoke in a miserable ‘we’re all going to hell in a basket’ mood, no doubt thanks to an overdose of media sensationalism. Fuelled with a mental bitch slap, a cuppa tea, and a compassionate conversation with the Fox, it was then that we made a pact – to focus only on the positive. Here’s where I started:

Finding calm in an ocean of uncertainty…

That view of the Gold Coast skyline from my work station. – ocean to the left, a canal below and Harbour Town, the Dublin Docks Pub and Dan Murphys in the foreground. The once packed car-parks now empty, except for Dan’s. Dan’s still making a roaring, albeit socially distanced, trade. God bless Dan!

The new commute – bathroom, kitchen, work station. – the rush hour replaced with a leisurely breakfast, work-suitable tops over leisure-wear bottoms, and bottomless cups of tea.

Seeing the faces of the entire national team on video conferences. The intimacy of working with colleagues in their personal spaces, meeting their pets, children, partners, parents, learning of their favourite tipples during virtual Friday happy hour drinkies. More connected than ever, despite the real world ‘disconnect’.

Gaining a deeper understanding of my team’s personalities outside the work-place environment. The socialite, grappling with solo living and an anxious dog. The single dad, coaching his sensitive teens on the differences between fact and sensationalist reporting. A husband in lock-down in another country, another in another state with borders closed. A young mum, building a work routine around two little people demanding 24/7 parental attention.

Long evening walks on the wide semi-empty beaches while savoring deep conversations, gulping the crisp ocean scented air, attuned to the cry of the seagulls, the feel of sand between toes, warm ocean ripples tickling the ankles.

Perfecting the putt on the St Andrews Golf Course – aka the mini Putt-Putt assembled along the lounge floor. The 19th hole bar, aka the fridge beer offer. Assembling the Wii – released from hibernation, dusted off and ready to provide some old fashion exercise and even more amusement.

Actively seeking out good news stories, kind words, good deeds – humanity at it’s best. Marveling at the Venetian canals, now so translucent, you can see fish thanks to the cessation of water traffic. The air clear above China. The social media shared positive images, good news stories, hints, and tips for home-schooling kids. The Mum teaching her grade two kid the grade four curriculum, the result of an accidental download. Folk having virtual parties, work teams showing up in crazy outfits.

Not to mention, a kindle loaded with books, iPhone with calming, meditational apps and Spotify sound-tracks, a fridge full of healthy food, oh! and enough loo-rolls to last another two weeks. As well, a considerable interest in what our world might look like post-pandemic.

Stay tuned for the next blog which will feature a round-up of people’s book, movie, Netflix marathon recommendations, apps and everything calming I can think of.
Meanwhile, drop a line in the comments box to share your coping ideas.
Stay safe lovely people. x

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4 Comments on Sheltering from media sensationalism…

  1. Jane Davies
    April 5, 2020 at 6:29 pm (5 years ago)

    Love it , love it, love it. As usual so real but optimistic. Thanks Janie

    • Jane
      April 19, 2020 at 10:25 am (5 years ago)

      Thanks so much lovely, gee I’m looking forward to catching in person again soon, it’s been tooooo long! Stay safe X

  2. penny howard
    April 6, 2020 at 6:33 pm (5 years ago)

    Lovely to hear from you Jane, so glad that you are happy and so envious of your walk along a beach…..WOW! However, in London we had marvellous weather throughout or lockdown so far – which has been wonderful and encouraged work in both house and garden! Keep Smiling!

    • Jane
      April 19, 2020 at 10:24 am (5 years ago)

      Thanks Penny and lovely to hear from you too 🙂 Glad that London weather is lovely, the whole COVID thing giving us a whole new appreciation of what’s been around us all along don’t you think? Stay save dear friend. x


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