Ari Seth Cohen

Fabulous at any age…

In 2012 I came across Ari Seth Cohan’s blog and newly minted book on New York’s most stylish seniors and felt humbly inspired, so much so I had to share (for those who weren’t subscribed at the time, repost below). A tome brimming with visuals of fabulous women steadfastly refusing to succumb to ‘middle age ho-hum’ and now the lovely ladies are about to enjoy a heartwarming film treatment, directed by Lina Plioplyte – just love a good ‘feel good’ Documentary don’t you?

2012 Post…

The style jury is out! Should we dress according to someone’s dictate on what constitutes ‘age appropriate’, or should we throw caution to the wind and allow our own sense of style to drive our choices?

Do we take our cue from the late greats who exuded style without apparent effort…think Jackie Onassis and Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn and the late Carolyn Bessette? From our currently acknowledged style meisters Victoria Beckam, Kate Middleton, Chloe Sevigny and Blake Lively? Or do we take an edgier approach where outcomes could look either casually effortless and über cool or verge on the tragic?

A case of personal taste of course but to me it’s all about confidence. Regardless of age, gender, shape or weight…confidence.

The ‘Advanced Style’ beauties (Ari Seth Cohan’s work) from my previous blog showcased elegance as defined by neutral color palettes and what the style gurus would consider ‘safe’ for those within this age demographic. Now, here’s a few who chose to take a walk on the wild side…and just look at that confidence!








Another inspirational collaboration

A while ago I came across Ari Seth Cohen’s fabulous newly released book ‘Advanced Style’ showcasing a series of magnificent women wearing their age with style and aplomb (refer to Archives for original story)

Could not resist sharing a few shots from his latest collaboration with Karen Walker eyewear, the ladies just as spectacular, this time demonstrating that funky eye wear with ever so cool pizazz.






Ari Seth Cohen

Fabulous at any age…

Absolutely smitten with these magnificent women, Cohen’s camera proving age has no barrier when it comes to style…funky accessories, flattering attire and cheeky demeanor…yes, we can be fabulous at any age. Photos compliments of Ari Seth Cohen’s gorgeous book ‘Advanced Style’, released May 22nd 2012, further details below.









Advanced Style is Ari Seth Cohen’s blog-based ode to the confidence, beauty, and fashion that can only be achieved through the experience of a life lived glamorously. It is a collection of street fashion unlike any seen before—focused on the over-60 set in the world’s most stylish locales. The (mostly) ladies of Advanced Style are enjoying their later years with grace and panache, marching to the beat of their own drummer. These timeless images and words of wisdom provide fashion inspiration for all ages and prove that age is nothing but a state of mind.


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