
It’s getting hot in here…

The folks here seem so laid back! So said one of the posse here in Bali sharing a well deserved break from our respective Aussie routines. Laid back indeed…even the Koi in their prolific ponds are napping. We’ve discovered why…it’s too damned hot to do anything else but lie in water, sip fruit imbibed concoctions and…well…wallow! The act of simply moving from A to B is a hot, sweaty and exhaustive business and definitely not for the faint hearted!

Easy business avoiding the Christmas tree with an ominous sign attached warning ‘high voltage, do not touch’. Learnt the art of tip toeing around that nasty hybrid sausage dog in our lane determined to take an ankle as trophy to justify his own napping on the job. But there are only so many ways a girl can pretend to look chic in her cotton shift while waddling, legs apart in the hope of capturing a small breeze sufficient to pry her sweat infused thighs from their embrace while discreetly mopping the waterfall cascading down her back before it trickles all the way to her thongs and creates an embarrassing squelch, squelch; at the same time deftly dodging the many small offerings left for the gods and gaping holes that make up the footpaths.

Yup! ‘Tis hot here and the streets fraught with danger but all I care about is finding the shop with the strongest air conditioning. That shop wins! Hands down! Every time! Therefore am afraid your all getting t-shirts for gifts so get over it ok? Now to hit the pool…preferably filled with ice! And something containing alcohol, fruit and…ice. Lots and lots of ice.









Ah! Beautiful Bali…

Beautiful Bali…balmy, lush green, frangipani scented…and raining. But that’s ok, today requires a wind down and regroup, it’s been a long drought ‘tween holidays.

Our Villa, tucked away in a tiny Seminyak back street behind high bamboo camouflaged walls is expansive….open to let the cool breezes in, subtly lit, abutting the warmest pool and spa…ambience personified. A good choice Lynnie ‘n Steve who, by the way, have just toddled off to a Gym! Tough Mudder competition just 4 weeks away and they’re now in panic mode. Bless!

BJ’s wallowing with coffee and newspapers on the day bed, chortling at the fact he’s currently a millionaire (in Rupee) and trying to prioritise…Coffee? Shops? Another swim? TV?

Me? Well my six leisurely paddles up and down the pool should do it. Enough to work up an appetite for the big tropical breakfast about to be delivered.

Long leisurely swim, dinner at Samaya ‘Breeze’, a glorious sunset…sleep. Terribly hedonistic yes…and loving it!







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