
The getting of wisdom…

During a recent girly chat with friends, conversation turned to current state of happiness compared to the sad, difficult time experienced when my husband and I separated. And later, the grief of his passing and a few who chose to demonstrate their own grief in hurtful ways. Dark moments indeed…and recognition of friendships that never were.

While articulating my response a startling thought occurred… (more…)

Retired and Extremely Dangerous..well almost…

Golly gosh!? Ernest Borgnine’s still alive? And I’m so familiarizing with Helen Mirren? Pleased to have Morgan Freeman and Bruce Willis on my side…? I’m not quite retired sure but!

Sunday afternoon, dithering, trying to settle newly purchased wheat pack ‘just so’ on lower back pain brought about by exercise, while settling in to watch gloomy Sunday DVDs…chuffed that I’m totally across Blue Ray, thinking we could readily have rented direct from iTunes via Apple remote…but hey! Its a great DVD choice this ‘RED’ from the soon  to be extinct video library. Mind is screaming…’is this pain symptom a part of the aging process?’ 55th birthday’s looming and I’m ruminating…shite! Is it all down hill from here? And why does this cast look so goddamn old? I remember when Ernest was Charlie…but there I go…it’s classic symptom of old age

Voiced my thoughts at brekky this morn, my loving companions reassured…’you’re so energetic for your age, always the one with zero injuries to report at Pilates’ but am I feeling reassured? No!

But then I pause, listen and observe as Elmo…youthful and so full of vibrance, discusses the dreams, hopes and aspirations of our future while lovingly reheating the wheat pack, tucking me in, topping up my wine and compassionately nodding as I whinge about my ailment…and suddenly everything feels better…mortality be damned!!


JaneJaniePooJaneOJetJinnyLizDrama Queen. I answer to them all, the latter of which I am particularly fond. Give me a sturdy mantlepiece and, hand on brow I will deliver a perfect rendition of Irene, my late Grandmother and consummate actress, in full swing. Known for delivering thoughts in 20 thousand words when a mere 20 would have been sufficiently eloquent…that’s me!

Along the way I’ve told many inspirational stories; about colleagues, my transition candidates, trainees, friends, my late partner, my pets, life in the wild west. I’ve also waxed lyrical about the amazing lives of the Patriarches and Matriarches in my family, themselves lovers of theatre and drama and each my own inspiration. Such stories have led to friends imploring me to document the family’s interesting history. But where to start?

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