
Oh for the love of travel…

Lovely readers, travel is back on the agenda and I’m so excited! You see, I live to travel, I revel in writing, and Indulge Divulge, launched way back in 2013, has been the perfect platform for combining the two. Until COVID.

As we embraced lockdown I ‘pivoted’ (seriously, how could I not exploit the most overused word of that period huh?) to share hints and tips for living a life filled with elegance and passion via the blog’s additional topics; fuelled by your brilliant suggestions and feedback. From career inspiration to personal confessions, a sanity check during those dark days, and available via the menus should you wish to dive in.  But back to travel!

Indulge Divulge ignited the desire to jump off the tourist junket and explore and write about the lesser-known parts of the countries and cities I’ve had the privilege of visiting. Living with the locals in the fishing villages of Italy’s Cinque Terre; seeking the space invader tile montages tucked away in the back streets of Paris; marvelling at the soft hues of Florence; revelling in the Mediterranean sunsets on the Cote d’Azur; gasping in awe as Mt Fujiyama briefly peeked through her misty shroud; climbing the walls of Dubrovnik; singing wildly out of key with a Venetian gondolier… I could go on but that would be just too tossy. I’ll let my stories do the talking.

If you’ve been to those places yourself, a joyful reminder of your own experiences, potential inspiration if building your future travel agenda or simply a chance to vicariously enjoy my ramblings from the comfort of your sofas.

I’m already plotting the next journey and can’t wait to share and inspire again. Of course, my beloved Paris will again be on the agenda, accompanied by the silver fox; after all Paris – the city of lights – is also known as the city of love!

Stay tuned lovely readers, meanwhile enjoy a few blasts from the travel past…

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Four weeks four countries two friends…

Indulge Divulge was founded on one fabulous six week European trip where my travel buddies Fifi and Dicki kindly allowed Pixi (that’s me!) along for the ride, way back in 2013. During that journey I gained a fabulous reputation as back seat driver with the perfect falsetto for ‘Big Boys Don’t Cry’ (I bet you’re already singing it!) and blogger. Britain, France, Italy, Switzerland – so many of you joined us via the blog as we shared the fun, the idiotic, the food, the alcohol, the unusual, the breathtaking and the…did I mention alcohol?

More of you came on board two years later as Fifi and I checked out Bruges, checked into Barcelona, fell more in love with Paris then Florence in all her glorious hues. You became my loneliness relievers while I stayed on, spending six further months with the locals in fishing villages along the Italian and French coasts, under the pretext of writing my novel (it does exist and it will be finished), and concluding in Paris (well natch!).

In between, the blog’s theme morphed twice as IndulgeDivulge continued to be a vehicle for exercising my writing skills. My Dad was a journalist, my brother Evan is too, seems I’ve inherited the desire for gratuitous over sharing, made so much easier thanks to the wonderful folk who invented Wordpress.

Well we’re off again! Heading out this evening. Join us as we stumble around the Greek Islands, cruise along Croatia (literally), sup Aperols in Venice then celebrate my big 60oh! in…you guessed it…Paris! Seriously, how could we not?  Where there’s Wifi there’ll be a post.

Oh! And given the uncertainty of this crazy world, should we not make it back, know that we love you all! To the moon and back (well Paris at least) xx


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