
Oh! the love of a good Blog…

Looking for inspiration on all things bright and chirpy, sage and wise, awe-inspiring and enchanting?

People across the globe are busy sharing their personal inspirations via their blogs so why not take advantage of your technological capability to tap into this rich tapestry of creative minds?  A decorating idea, a beautiful piece of art, twee piece of prose, breathtaking photography…all there for us to enjoy and just a click or swipe away when previously only accessed via generational sharing, chats over the back fence or lovingly hand written letters.

Being an aspiring blogger myself, naturally I wanted to see what the world was blogging on about and, being time poor, sourced the most effective and efficient way to do s
o via a few very clever apps. I now knock my breakfast coffee back while getting my daily fix from a wonderful little app called ‘StumbleUpon’. Try it. Only takes a sec. A quick trawl and once you’ve identified fave themes you’ll be hooked. And while your there, grab another app called ‘Pinterest’ for an ongoing visual feast! Of course you already have ‘Flipboard’ loaded? Essential! Absolutely essential!

AND…if you’d like an immediate photography and food fix, why not get your heart started via a Blog of Sydney origins, the link originally sent by my beloved traveling companion Fifi prior to our travels:  I love John Bek’s  Zenfolio and, being a bit of a foodie reveler myself, am quite enthralled by his Blog. Enjoy!

Are you a master in the art of living?

While updating my RM Coaching Biography today, got to thinking about what my personal ‘coaching value proposition’ might look like. Inspiration came from this splendid statement Perfect I say! To me coaching individuals to master their art embodies developing an environment of trust, confidentiality and respect in which to deliver robust, measured and consistent coaching principles…but what do you think?

“A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play; his
labor and his leisure; his mind and his body; his education and his recreation.
He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence
through whatever he is doing, and leaves others to determine whether he is
working or playing. To himself, he always appears to be doing both”

Francoise Rene Auguste de Chateaubriand


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