I’m always on the hunt for a fabulous nosh and will happily brunch, lunch and munch all the way through to an evening’s post dessert soirée with mates and with nary a care for time and deadline. Cool breezes in summer a must, cosy brasseries and snuggly blankets for when the chill sets in, our temperate climate perfect for year round al fresco dining.

Enter Rogue Bar + Bistro…

This dear little gem is tucked into a crevice right here in my industrial hood! In my street! Given the thrill of a fab nosh chase, why had I not yet graced the friendly foodie hosts at Rogue with my presence? Have now…and I officially declare Rogue Bar + Bistro mine! My new waterhole, the place to take guests for a tipple and a nibble, a breakfast feast, a fine dine or simply a quick takeout coffee. Nice!

Astroturf clad exterior bar complimenting a lush wall garden, inside/outside dining, slouchy lounges, said brasseries and blankies, a beer tap rising like the Phoenix slap dab in the middle…the place is intriguing. As is the food.

My spiced mince pot hiding a soft poached golden yolk egg and sharing the platter with a lush avocado salsa stack, creme fraiche smear and thick sourdough soldiers was rich and flavorful. My companions’ truffled scrambled eggs with fat mushrooms and side of crispy bacon; free range eggs with tomato relish and avocado and chorizo stack equally so. Hearty dishes settled with delightfully creamy mocha coffees as the breakfast affectionardos slowly made way for lazy lunch time dwellers. Can’t wait to try the midday menu, the afternoon share plates, the evening dining offers.

All in good time though, after all, Rogue Bar + Bistro is right here. Mine! Along with all the other local folk who’ve also staked claims. That’s ok though for there’s room for all.

In my neighborhood? Drop in to Rogue Bar + Bistro
14 Austin St, Newstead QLD
(07) 3257 0227
Open Mon to Sunday lunch.




Now where’s your fave Brekky spot?

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