A friend, a mum, a gran, a sister, an aunt…so many of us have been affected by cancer in some way, the subject never far from our lips. So too the ever vigilant and determined Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Awareness (BCA) campaign.
Today I visited the 2013 Estée Lauder Pink Ribbon Photographic award exhibition in the courtyard of the Hotel de Sully – Le Marais. And what a splendid backdrop for such powerful, courageous and poignant works. Here’s a little taste of the winner and finalist entries:
Photographer: Salome Barrot (Jury Special Mention)
Photographers: Jeremie Conte (left) Kira Anglade (right)
Photographers: Bruno Autin (left) Yann Renoard (right)
Photographer: Loic-Yann Parmentier
Photographer: Emmanuel Brassart (Grand Prix 2013)
Photographer: Amandine Strasbach
For more, click on this link Pink Ribbon Award – Paris
A note on Evelyn Lauder for those who may not be familiar with her contribution to this campaign: Evelyn died of ovarian cancer in 2011 but not before working tirelessly on the BCA campaign as well as co-creating with Alexandra Penny of SELF magazine the Pink Ribbon, now recognized worldwide as a symbol of breast health. She was also an avid photographer.
For you Moo. xx